HFCA Board of Directors






·        Preside at regular and Annual meetings; provide oversight and assignments to other Board members; primary spokesman for the Association on internal and external issues

·        Represent HFCA at Braddock District Council

·        Signatory on checks

·        Signatory on official outgoing correspondence of the Association

·        Signatory on any liens imposed

·        Signatory on annual filing with State Corporation Commission

·        Take part in Welcome Wagon visits

·        Deliver newsletters and other correspondence on assigned route

·        Prepare monthly report on activities, issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting


Vice President


·        Preside at meetings when President is not in attendance

·        Perform other duties as assigned (e.g., coordinate annual picnics, do Welcome Wagon if there is no other coordinator)

·        Signatory on checks, as needed

·        Deliver newsletters and other correspondence on assigned route

·        Prepare monthly report on activities/issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting




·        Collect annual dues between 1 January and March 31 each year; initiate lien action as necessary

·        Make all deposits to HFCA account

·        Arrange for new signature cards annually as Board members turn over

·        Reconcile all statements (checking and CD accounts)

·        Write checks; obtain second signature (usually the President)

·        Prepare next year budget for presentation at Annual Meeting in October

·        Check HFCA mailbox at USPS Turnpike Station on Pickett Road; disseminate any correspondence that is not related to Treasurer duties to the appropriate Board officer or member (usually it will be the President)

·        Oversee the process of obtaining the annual audit of HFCA books (Feb-Mar)

·        Ensure the preparation and filing of federal and state taxes

·        Ensure payment of all Board insurance, State Corporation Commission filing fees, etc.

·        Prepare monthly report on activities/issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting




·        Take notes at each regular and the Annual Meeting and prepare official minutes for review and approval by the Board at the next appropriate meeting; maintain paper and computer records of same

·        Assist with any outgoing correspondence, as assigned by President

·        Prepare monthly report on activities/issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting (generally, this consists of the minutes)

·        Maintain HFCA master data base of addresses, phone numbers, e-mails – including that pertaining to absentee landlords.  Share with Treasurer for dues mailings.  Share with President for HFCA e-mail collective address group.  Issue yearly update to phone book; coordinate new phone book with assigned Board member every three-four years

·        Prepare "thank you" certificates for outgoing Board members at last meeting of year

·        Retain official seal of the Corporation

·        Optional – serve as HFCA Newsletter Editor (see below)


Grounds Committee Chair


·        Negotiate contract for next year's grounds maintenance and submit recommended bid to Board for approval

·        Supervise the performance of the contract groundskeeper; sign off on all contractor invoices for services performed to be certain that they were done to specification

·        Coordinate with the County Arborist and other appropriate officials on issues affecting the common ground (e.g., invasive plants, trees that need to be cut due to disease or damage, etc.)

·        Coordinate the two annual grounds clean-ups, to include providing a plan to the Board in advance on what will be accomplished

·        Negotiate any additional work that needs to be done on the common grounds (e.g., tree removal, sidewalk repair, etc.)

·        Prepare monthly report on activities/issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting

·        Provide input to Treasurer on projected grounds budget for following year, based on negotiations with provider(s)

·        Prepare monthly report on activities, issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting

·        Write an article for each newsletter on Grounds issues (typically will be the report, but may be a stand-alone article)


Neighborhood Watch Coordinator


  • Attend monthly HFCA Board meetings – Either write up notes prior to meetings or be prepared to discuss any important issues.


  • Attend Neighborhood Watch Coordinator meetings – Contact the West Springfield Police District Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) at (703-644-5026) to register for the Neighborhood Watch mailing list.  Attend periodic meetings held for Neighborhood Watch Coordinators.  Most meetings are held at the office on Rolling Road.  The Neighborhood Watch Coordinators have valuable input and questions on how to prevent crime.  Try to attend at least half of the meetings held each year.


  • Maintain and distribute the watch schedule and roster – Keep the roster current throughout the year, adding new members and deleting those who have resigned.  Make a schedule for July – December (distribute by June 1) and January – June (distribute by December 1).  Be sure to schedule someone for Halloween.  Make stapled copies at Kinko’s and seek reimbursement from the Treasurer.  Hand deliver hard copies and e-mail electronic copies of the schedule to each watch member.  When you update the roster and schedule, e-mail it to the Webmaster to upload to the Hickory Farms web page.


  • You may get calls from members who cannot do the watch.  Encourage them to check with other teams to see if they can switch watches. Then, encourage them to check with substitutes.  It is their responsibility to find a substitute, but if all else fails, try to do at least a partial watch yourself.


  • Check the watch kit every 6-8 weeks so you can read the logs and learn of any events that were not reported to you. (Teams should report to you any events worth noting.)  You can usually do this by contacting a Saturday team and asking them to deliver the kit to you.  After your checkup, deliver it to the next team yourself.  Make sure the equipment is up to date and there are enough event log sheets in the log book.


  • Assist with other HFCA Board activities and responsibilities as needed – This includes spring and fall neighborhood cleanups, Spring Fling, picnics, etc.


  • Write an article for newsletter each month – Always put the watch schedule for the next two months and write an article of interest.


  • Keep watch members and the Board aware of crime activity in the area – You will be getting e-mails from the West Springfield Police District Crime Prevention Officer.  This information can be forwarded to watch members and used for the monthly HFCA Newsletter article.  Use “Hickory Farms Neighborhood Watch" as the subject line for the e-mail to watch members.  Address the e-mail to yourself and include the list of watch member addresses in the BCC field.  By using BCC, each watch member will not see all the other addressees.


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The following positions may be filled by Board members, but may also be filled by nonmembers:


Architectural Control Committee Chair


·        Coordinate the actions of the ACC in reviewing and approving all requests for exterior change to homes

·        Sign all approval/disapproval letters

·        Ensure that all restrictive covenants pertaining to appearance, including issues on streets, common grounds (in coordination with Grounds Chair) and properties are enforced in accordance with HFCA procedures

·        Prepare monthly report on activities/issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting (this will typically consist of a list of all approvals/disapprovals for the preceding month)

·        Write an article for each newsletter on ACC issues


Welcome Wagon Coordinator


·        Obtain information on Fairfax County and metro area from Braddock District Supervisor's office, the Fairfax County Public Library, City of Fairfax, etc. for dissemination to new neighbors

·        Contact all new residents shortly after move-in to set up an appointment for a visit by Coordinator and President

·        Make visit, hand out materials, discuss pertinent points, and answer questions about the area

·        Take down telephone, e-mail and children's information for use in HFCA master data base; pass to Secretary

·        Prepare monthly report on activities, issues for distribution by e-mail prior to each meeting

·        Write article for each newsletter welcoming new residents into neighborhood by name.


Newsletter Editor


·        Coordinate inputs from Board members, as shown above, to lay out each newsletter

·        Write articles, insert sidebars, use clip-art as necessary to make the newsletter an attractive means of clear communication with the neighborhood.

·        Recommend, acquire and use appropriate desktop publishing software

·        Maintain cognizance over Kinko's card/account for use in printing job orders for each newsletter

·        Ensure each newsletter is printed and distributed to Board members for distribution to meet deadline

·        Ensure newsletter meets the journalistic requirements of accuracy and legality of articles

·        Make delivery route assignments and distribute the proper number of copies to each Board member for delivery

·        Provide input to the Treasurer on costs of publication for the next year's budget


Yard Sale Coordinator


·        Act as point of contact for all issues pertaining to the annual HFCA Community Yard Sale

·        Advise the Board on costs associated with the sale that are not covered by the entry fee, or are required in advance (e.g., advertising fees)

·        Prepare articles for the newsletter and/or fliers for distribution in advance of the event; prepare maps and other handouts for people coming to the event

·        Collect all entry fees and turn over to the Treasurer for deposit

·        Provide a wrap-up report to include all receipts and distributions, as well as lessons learned for next year


E-mail Coordinator





Each Board member is also expected to

·        Host at least one meeting a year at his/her home

·        Serve on the Nominating Committee to help identify candidates for the next succeeding Board

·        Participate in as many HFCA sponsored community functions as possible

·        Attend every meeting, but in cases where attendance is not possible, to convey a proxy to the President for any meeting to be missed


(Robert Cosgriff 2003 and Kirk Randall 2004)


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This page last updated 11/20/04

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