2009 Annual Meeting Minutes


October 15, 2009


1.    The meeting was called to order at 8:15 pm.


2.    Minutes of the 2008 annual meeting were distributed.


3.    Homeowners approved the proposed budget for 2010 of $21,250. Annual dues would remain at $125.


4.    Homeowners overwhelmingly approved the proposed policy regarding trees in the common areas, as an amendment to the HFCA’s Rules and Regulations.


5.    Homeowners approved overwhelmingly approved revisions to the HFCA’s Rules and Regulations concerning fences.


6.    Concern was expressed that the Restrictive Covenants and Rules and Regulations regarding the appearance of property were not being vigorously enforced. The Board agreed that it and the Architectural Approval Committee would take steps to enforce the covenants and rules.


7.    The current members of the Board – John Kitzmiller, Keith Ferguson, Dante Gilmer, Jaime Gutierrez, and Kirk Randall – were reelected by acclaim to another term. Lee Sottile volunteered to serve as a Board member, was elected, and resigned a few days later.


8.    The meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.



HFCA Board Minutes

September 23, 2009



Keith Ferguson

Dante Gilmer

Jaime Gutierrez

John Kitzmiller

Kirk Randall


The meeting was called to order at 8:00pm.


The Board discussed the proposed fence rules that had been circulated on the listserv. On a motion by Mr. Randall, seconded by Mr. Ferguson, the Board approved them for submission to the HFCA at its annual meeting in October.


The Board discussed the proposed rules for trees in the common area. On a motion by Mr. Gutierrez, seconded by Mr. Randall, the Board approved them for submission to the HFCA at its annual meeting in October.


The Board discussed the Annual Meeting and agreed to change the already-announced meeting date to October 13 or later. (The meeting was subsequently scheduled for October 15.)


Mr. Gilmer noted that the 2010 budget he was preparing must be approved by the Board before it is presented at the HFCA annual meeting.


Mr. Ferguson noted that the landscaping contract needed to be renewed. Upon discussion the Board concluded that it was not necessary at this time to solicit competing bids but instead to continue with the current vendor.


Mr. Randall noted he had been trying to contact the attorney for HFCA with no success. Mr. Gilmer also added that he also had been trying to contact the attorney for HFCA with no success. Mr. Kitzmiller offered to contact attorney Bill Mason and asked Messrs. Gilmer and Randall to provide him with background information on their issues.


The Board discussed the desirability of permanent or semi-permanent signs with which to advertise community events. Mr. Randall offered to research signs and report at a later date.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.



HFCA Board Minutes

July 22, 2009



John Kitzmiller

Jaime Guiterrez

Kirk Randall

Keith Ferguson


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.


Mr. Kitzmiller advised that Ellie Codding had determined she would be unable to serve on the HFCA Board. The Board decided to not attempt to fill the vacancy until the 2009 HFCA Annual Meeting, to be held in October.


The Board discussed the ACC disapproval of a request by an HFCA homeowner to paint his fence, which adjoined Roberts Road. (The homeowner had painted the fence before submitting a request to the ACC.) The Board directed the ACC to reconsider the request, recognizing that it was impossible to impose a uniformity requirement for fences that face Roberts and Burke Station Roads.


The Board discussed the issue of e-mails internal to Board, ACC, and other organizations within HFCA. The Board agreed to add a disclaimer to future e-mails that such e-mails were intended for internal use and not for outside distribution.


The Board agreed to ask for the resignation of one ACC member.


Mr. Randall agreed to contact Segal, Mason & Mason to determine whether that firm had maintained copies of changes made to HFCA by-laws over the years.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.



HFCA Board Minutes

June 18, 2009



John Kitzmiller

Dante Gilmer

Jaime Guiterrez

Kirk Randall

Keith Ferguson


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.


Mr. Kitzmiller announced that Ellie Codding had agreed to serve on the HFCA Board until the annual meeting.


Mr. Ferguson reported that the expenses for repairing the asphalt path totaled $8,000, for excavating and installing a French drain in the lower common grounds, linking the drain to the storm sewer, repairing and paving to a thickness of 4 inches about 70 feet of path. He further reported that his family and the Dudleys were the only people to show up for “clean up” day. He advised that some families had complained about the quality and frequency of grasscutting performed by Greenleaf. He stated he would contact Greenleaf, and Mr. Gilmer advised he would review the contract to confirm the frequency of grasscutting.


Mr. Ferguson further noted that the Virginia Department of Transportation had advised him that it had no labor or funds with which to repair the sidewalks in Hickory Farms.


The Board authorized Mr. Ferguson to purchase and install 6 more “no trespassing” signs and posts.


The Board reviewed the financial summary provided by Mr. Gilmer.  Mr. Gilmer reported that he had tried on several occasions to speak with someone at Segan & Mason, the law firm that represents HFCA, for clarification on how the VPOAA packets should be distributed to homeowners, but no one had returned his calls. He was advised to call Mr. Mason directly.


The Board discussed the situation of the fence at the corner of Roberts Road and Farm House Road. Mr. Randall noted that the ACC had declined the homeowner’s application to paint the fence and he wanted a face-to-face meeting. No action was recommended at this time.


Members of the Board were requested to walk through Hickory Farms and look for violations of the by-laws so that homeowners could be advised of the need to correct the violations before any the Board was required to take action.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.



HFCA Board Minutes

April 8, 2009



John Kitzmiller

Dante Gilmer

Jaime Guiterrez

Kirk Randall

Keith Ferguson

Mike Dougherty of Fairfax Memorial Park


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.


Mr. Doughterty reviewed three areas of activity within the cemetery, in order to allay any concerns of the Hickory Farms community. He noted that the cemetery would be clearing a greater area in the front of the property, and therefore would be removing some trees. He also noted that area adjoining Braddock Road would be landscaped.


Mr. Kitzmiller advised that both Mr. Chakrabarti and Mr. Sayyed had resigned from the HFCA Board. Mr. Chakrabarti had moved from the community and Mr. Sayyed resigned because his work made such demands on his time that he could not give attention to Board affairs.


Mr. Randall offered to research the requirements in order to replace two Board members.


The Board discussed the need for a Secretary, and Mr. Kitzmiller agreed to ask Heather Webb, then Ellie Codding, if either would be willing to serve on the Board.


Mr. Randall noted that he was creating an electronic homeowner’s package. He further noted that the new VPOAA only allowed actual out-of-pocket costs for such packages to be charged.


Mr. Ferguson was directed to buy four signs and posts and to post the common grounds as available only to HFCA residents and their guests.


Mr. Ferguson advised that he was seeking estimates to repair and repave the asphalt path on the lower common area.


The Board reviewed a financial summary through March 2009.


The minutes of the Board’s March 4, 2009 meeting were approved.


The next meeting was scheduled for May 6, 2009.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm.



 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1HFCA Board Minutes

March 4, 2009



Barin Chakrabarti

Keith Ferguson

Dante Gilmer

John Kitzmiller

Kirk Randall

Heather Webb


Meeting called to order at 8:00pm.


Mr. Gilmer reported that 49 of 208 households had paid their dues for 2009, noting that March 31 was the last day dues could be paid without penalty.


The Board reviewed the financial report.


Mr. Ferguson noted that a tree had fallen at 4295 Country Squire. He had taken no action pending the development of an HFCA tree policy.


Mr. Gilmer agreed to search for “No Trespassing” signs to post on the common areas.


Mr. Randall agreed to check on the requirements of the revised Virginia Property Owners Association Act (VPOAA) and report back to the Board.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.



HFCA Board Minutes

January 2009



John Kitzmiller

Dante Gilmer

Keith Ferguson

Kirk Randall

Heather Webb


Meeting called to order at 8:00pm.


The Board appointed the following to the positions identified:


President:                    John Kitzmiller

Vice President:            Keth Ferguson

Secretary:                    Bilal Sayyed

Treasurer:                    Dante Gilmer

                                    Ms. Webb agreed to assist Mr. Gilmer.


Mr. Randall agreed to continue to chair the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). He noted that Carole and Larry Rogers had joined the ACC.


Mr. Ferguson agreed to be responsible for groundskeeping for 2009.


Mr. Kitzmiller agreed to coordinate the Neighborhood Watch program for 2009.


Mr. Gilmer noted that the HFCA ended the year with a cash balance of $4,643.55.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.