October 11, 2011 HFCA Annual Meeting


Members of the Board present: John Kitzmiller, Dante Gilmer, Keith Ferguson, Kirk Randall and Jaime Gutierrez


Number of members present 18, not enough for a quorum.

Meeting was opened as an informational meeting since no quorum is present.


Last year’s meeting minutes will be forwarded in the list server.


Treasurer, Dante Gilmer


Reviewing this year’s budget 3 homeowners have not paid, liens have been placed and one homeowner is in the process of collection. This year we should end up with a $1,854 surplus.


Next year’s budget our expenses will grow $4,000.


Reasons for increase in expenses are:


Increase in legal fees due to the shortened grace period in paying annual dues.  As of June there were 18 homeowners that had not paid their dues by the end of March.


Additional tree work is expected this year.


Cost of printing the newsletter has increased; we have cut down the number of letters printing.


With the increase of dues, we should be $810 surplus.


One of the homeowner present questioned the reason for the Reserve Fund.  It was explained that the main reason is for the replacement of property such as asphalt paving of trails.


It was asked why not raise it higher, it was explained to hold it down to a minimum during these economic times.


One of the homeowners made a motion to affirm the budget, it was seconded approved unanimously.


Architectural Control Committee, Kirk Randall


ACC has had a slow year, mostly door painting and fence replacement. The Board walked the community and issued letters to homeowners who were in default of the Covenants.  We will start fining the homeowners $3 per day after 30 will go to the lawyers for liens.


Common Grounds, Keith Ferguson


Not much work required. Company doing the work seems to be doing a good job. Tree work in the winter a tree fell and had to be removed. We had an arborist to look at other trees that were questionable; he had one an inspection of the trees and their conditions. There are about 8 trees in danger and about 8 that have to be pruned. This cost has been included in the budget. 


Need to do something about the Bradford Pears in the intersection of cotton farm and farm house. Also clean out around the open area at the upper common area.  We are trying to create a working relationship with the arborist to continue work in future years.


Eagle Scout project will repair and add bridges on Rabbit Run. We had budgeted $700 but the actual cost will be $250+.


Repairs done to the asphalt path at the lower common grounds seems to be working after the repairs.


Asphalt of the northern path needs some maintenance repair work now; however it will need serious work in about 4 years.


It was asked who was responsible for the path along Roberts Road, the Board had looked into this issue and found that it belong s to the homeowners along Roberts Road.


Keith is advertising for someone to take his position.


John asked for volunteers, no one volunteer.


John thanked Keith and Jaime for their time


Election of Board of Directors:  Kirk Randall, Dante Gilmer, and John Kitzmiller agreed to serve during 2012.  No other members volunteered to run as a new Board member.  Kirk, Dante, and John approved unanimously by members.


Motion was made to adjourn at 8:48 PM, seconded, and approved unanimously.


October 4, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting


Present:  John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall, Keith Ferguson, Dante Gilmer, Jaime Gutierrez

Meeting came to order at 8:07 PM


Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes as corrected was made, seconded and approved by all.


President’s Report:

Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report:

To date there are three lots that have not paid, one is in the process of collection and two have had liens placed.

Projecting to the end of the year, it is expected that there will be a $3,000 surplus to add to the Replacement Fund.

Projected budget was presented and it requires raising the dues from $125. to $150.00

Board approved the proposed budget and dues increase.


ACC Chairman’s Report:

It has been unremarkable year with request for fences, front door, painting, etc.

Third letters will be going out to about 10 homeowners that have not corrected the deficiencies, after this letter dues will begin to accrue.


Grounds Report:

Received tree proposal for next year, it requires to take down 6 trees and pruning 8 trees. Cost is included in next year’s budget.

Jonah Basil will present the proposal for the Eagle Scout Project.

Another Scout project asked to come in and take bamboo from the common area.

Tree fell behind house and took down part of fence during the last storm.


Old Business:

Revised Telephone Directory.  Nothing is happening, trying to get the information from Debbie Buchannan.  Dante has given Arleen the addresses from his data base. Will check back with her in a couple of months.

 Dante will get a couple of signs for the October Annual Meeting.


New Business:

Member of our community is advertising in the newsletter. Kirk proposes to provide a discount to homeowners to advertise. Board agreed to give a 15% discount.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:16 PM


August 10, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting


Present. John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall, Keith Ferguson, Dante Gilmer, Jaime Gutierrez

Meeting came to order at 8:10 PM


Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the meeting, second and approved by all


President’s Report: Nothing new to report.  New NW signs have been bought.


Treasure’s Report: Finances are OK. All but 4 persons have yet to pay; lawyers are working on the collection


ACC Chairman’s Report:

Discussion on new Notice to Homeowners that have not complied with Letters of Deficiencies. Discussion on the amount of money to charge homeowners for failure to comply with the notice. Kirk presented a draft. The Board decided to charge $3 per day, give homeowners a grace period of 30 days before fines start; on the 31st  day a $3 fine will start and after 30 days of fines the Board will turn it to the lawyers for collection, fine will continue to accrue at $3 per day until paid.


Board discussed that there are several carports that are very messy; this is in violation of the covenants. The ACC will send violation letters to start the process. We will add an article in the newsletter making homeowners aware of this rule.


Grounds Report:

Bradford Pears at the bottom of Cotton Farm and Farm House. Weather keeps tearing them up.  Keith has asked David Gass to take a look and see what should be done. Discussion on what to do, take them down, but what to replace them with, Keith will speak with David Gass to see what should be done.


Homeowner contacted the John about trees along Roberts Road and tree growing in her fence line, and asked if they belong to the Association. We looked at the property plats and it appears that the trees are in her property. HFCA does not own any property along Roberts Road.  John will respond to the lady.


Old Business:

New Procedures for Annual Dues Collection will be included in the next newsletter. The Treasurer will mail dues notice in December so that there will be no issues of not receiving them via the Newsletter. January Newsletter will have the Final Income/Expense statement for the previous Fiscal year. This is to comply with By-Laws.


Revised Telephone Directory. Nothing is happening, trying to get the information from Debbie Buchannan.


New Business:

Annual meeting at Green Acres, 2nd or 3rd week in October.


Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 PM


June 8, 2011 Board of Directors  Meeting


Present. John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall, Keith Ferguson, Dante Gilmer, Jaime Gutierrez

Meeting came to order at 8:01 PM


Approval of Minutes:  March meeting minutes were approved as presented have been approved


President’s Report:  John received a call from a dues collection service.  However, the Board feels that it is not necessary.


Treasurer’s Report:

To date 17 homeowners have not paid annual dues. Of the 17, liens have been placed on 4 homeowners.


The issue of late dues and when to perfect liens was discussed. Spell out how dues shall be paid, when late fee takes effect and when liens are perfected. We have been experiencing difficulties in collecting dues from a few homeowners. The following changes were proposed for dues collection and late payment procedure. Kirk will develop new guidelines to vote on the next Board meeting and then disseminate to the Homeowners:


Annual Association Dues and due on January 1st of each year. Because of the holidays, it was decided to make the due day effective January 7th. Dues not received or postmarked by this day are late and a late fee of $50.00 must be included with the late dues payment.


On February 1st, dues not received will be turned over to the Association’ lawyer for collection.


On March 1st, Association lawyer will perfect a lien against the Homeowner’s property for dues not paid. The lien will include the annual dues, late fee, lawyer’s fees and court costs.


ACC Chairman’s Report:

There are still several homeowners who have not taken care to correct the violation. ACC Chairman will look at the procedure to place a monthly fine if not corrected by the end of the month.  A proposal will be made at next meeting and Board will take action on how to proceed.


Grounds Report:

Tree work budgeted $2300 actual expense $2500 for 8 hours of work, 6-7 trees taken down, did some pruning of dead wood on other trees. Dave Gass arborist will be asked to walk the neighborhood prior to annual meeting and create a 5 year plan to be presented at annual meeting


Outsider of HFCA complained about poison ivy growing on the northern path. Kirk has indicated that he has sprayed some of the path. Keith indicated that he will be having someone continue with the removal.


Boy Scout project Roger Basil son wants to do an Eagle Scout project. Propose to repair the bridges on Rabbit Run, reset two of them, replacing two existing bridges with new and building two new walkways over a muddy area. It would be a cost to the Association of about $500.


Motion: The Board gives Keith Ferguson the authority to spend up to $700.00 to buy the materials.

Motion was passed unanimously.


Old Business:

Neighborhood Watch. Car signs have been purchased.


Revised Directory. Arlene da Cruz as been gathering the data from the last directory. Dante has been coordinating with her on the format.


ACC violations.  See above


New Business: None


Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 PM

Jaime Gutierrez, Secretary


March 16, 2011 Board of Directors  Meeting


Present. John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall, Keith Ferguson, Dante Gilmer, Jaime Gutierrez

Meeting came to order at 8:07 PM


President’s Report: No new items to report.


Treasure’s Report: 160 persons have paid their dues.  Newsletter advertising fees has double to date, good news. Annual audit has been completed, no issues. Additional signers for the CD are required.


ACC Chairman’s Report: Four houses up for sale.


Grounds Report: Tree work is needed in upper ground. Will be calling J & L to get estimate. Jaime gave Keith the name of another company for competitive bid. One tree down close to Round Top, couple of trees at 45 degree angle and a third tree in leaning and twisting.  Clean up day March 26 at 10:00 PM. Still waiting on Green Leaf to come and give us an estimate on the damage done by the trespasser and communicate that to the police.


Old Business: Talked about replacing the NW car signs, reflective signs are approx. $50 each. Board unanimously approved purchase of two signs.   John will build the two entrance signs to advertize different community activities.  Dante reported that he has been in contact with Arlene  De Cruz to produce a new directory for the Community.  Board has offered free advertisement in return for Arleen paying for the printing.  Discussion of advertizing rates is deferred to next meeting.


ACC violations:  There are still some homeowners that have not taken care of the violations listed in the letter sent last year. ACC will make a new walk thru the neighborhood and identified those in violation and a new letter will be sent.


New Business: No new business.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 PM