Hickory Farms

Board of Directors

  • President


    Member Duties

    • Prepares, along with the Secretary, agendas for the HFCA Board and annual meetings.
    • Preside at regular and annual meetings by proposing questions for voting, recognizing speakers and announcing the results of voting—responsible for maintaining order and decorum.
    • Provide oversight and assignments to other Board members as needed.
    • Primary spokesman for the Association on internal and external issues.
    • Represent HFCA at Braddock District Council (alternate to the Vice President).
    • Signatory on checks, official outgoing correspondence of the Association, liens imposed, annual filing with State Corporation Commission.
    • Appoints committee members.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed (this will often consist of the meeting Agenda).
    • Writes “From the President” message for each monthly Newsletter.
    • Ex Officio member of all committees of the Board.
  • Vice President

    Telah Jackson

    Member Duties

    • Preside at meetings when the President is not in attendance.
    • Represent HFCA at Braddock District Council.
    • Sign VPOAA Part 1 Letters on behalf of HFCA to homeowners selling their homes, with input from ACC & Treasurer; update language for both VPOAA Part 1 letter and Part 2 on HFCA website.
    • Perform other duties as assigned.
    • Signatory on checks, as needed.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.
    • Act as parliamentarian during Board and annual meetings.
    • Be the Board’s expert on HOA Rules, Bylaws, and governing documents.
    • Hold duplicate key for and pick up HFCA mail at its PO Box weekly (and more often during Annual Assessment collection period) and distribute mail as appropriate to Board/Committee Members; (Treasurer holds other key).
    • Hold emergency back-up check(s) on behalf of the Treasurer, in case of need.
    • Ex Officio member of all committees of the Board.
  • Secretary


    Member Duties

    • Take notes at each regular and the Annual Meeting and prepare official minutes for review and approval by the Board at the next appropriate meeting; coordinate with the maintenance of paper and computer records of same.
    • Assist with any outgoing correspondence, as assigned by President.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed (generally, this consists of the prior month’s board meeting minutes).
    • Maintain HFCA master data base of addresses, phone numbers, e-mails – including that pertaining to absentee landlords.
    • Prepare "thank you" certificates for outgoing Board members at last meeting of year.
    • Coordinate electronic voting and proxy collection, when necessary.
    • Maintain the BOD calendar of important dates & payment due dates.
    • Maintain Board member job descriptions & make adjustments when responsibilities change due to new board membership or realignment of responsibilities.
  • Common Areas Committee Chair

    Melissa Stark

    Member Duties

    • Supervise the performance of all hired maintenance companies and make sure their duties are being performed according to the HF signed agreement/contract.
    • Inform the community through Hickory Farms paper, electronic and/or social media about upcoming events, common areas closures or routine maintenance.
    • Plan & coordinate common area clean ups or learning events, as needed.
    • Review and sign off on all common area expenses.
    • Review and keep track of common area expenses against current years common area budget.
    • Hold quarterly Common Area Committee (CAC) meetings.
    • Provide the following years estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.
    • Interview, complete walk arounds & present all bids for the following years maintenance companies to the HF BOD for selection & approval.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.
  • Architectural Control Committee Chair

    Justin Mensen

    Member Duties

    • Coordinate the actions of the ACC in reviewing and approving all requests for exterior change to homes.
    • Sign all approval/disapproval letters.
    • Ensure that all restrictive covenants pertaining to appearance, including issues on streets, common grounds (in coordination with Grounds Chair) and properties are enforced in accordance with HFCA procedures, including conducting an annual community-wide house-to-house review/inspection by the ACC and other volunteers.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed (this will typically consist of a list of all approvals/disapprovals for the preceding month).
    • Write an article for each newsletter on ACC issues.
    • Provide VPOAA Part 1 inspection and compliance.
  • Treasurer

    Judy Deng

    Member Duties

    • Collect annual Assessment dues between 1 November and January 31 each year; initiate lien action as necessary.
    • Make all deposits to HFCA accounts.
    • Arrange for new bank account signature cards annually as Board members turn over.
    • Reconcile all statements (checking and money market accounts).
    • Write checks; obtain secondary signature (or equivalent email record for co-signing purpose).
    • Hold electronic access to HFCA bank accounts, to include at least one other Board member as approved by Board.
    • Gather the following year’s budget expense estimates from BOD & committee members to draft following year’s budget for BOD approval.
    • Prepare next year budget for presentation at HFCA Annual Meeting in October.
    • Oversee the process of obtaining the annual review (or audit, if funded) of HFCA books (Feb-Mar).
    • Ensure the preparation and filing and timely payment of federal and state taxes.
    • Ensure payment of all Board insurance, State Corporation Commission filing fees, US postal box renewal, etc.
    • Hold duplicate key for US postal mailbox.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.
  • Asst. Treasurer

    Tad Weed

    Member Duties

    • Review & concur with payment of invoices for reimbursement provided by Treasurer.
    • Serve as one of the HFCA bank authorized signatories for financial transactions for both the checking and money market account.
    • Co-Sign HFCA checks either with Treasurer or with another of above noted Authorized Signatories.
    • May hold as needed one or more "emergency" checks of HFCA to be used in case the Treasurer is unable to do so.
    • May hold one of the two HFCA keys for HFCA's Post Office Box.
    • Has his/her name added to HFCA Bank's records for electronic access for financial transactions involving both the checking and money market account.
    • Researches, proposes, and if approved pursues improvements to the Treasurer's system and tools for financial record-keeping, analyses, payments, Annual Assessment collections, and presentations.
    • Learns the responsibilities of the Treasurer throughout the year so as to serve as Acting Treasurer in case of need.
    • Conducts annual review of HFCA bookkeeping.
  • At Large

    Pam Barrett & Charles Chu

    Member Duties

    • At-Large members of the Board of Directors have the full duties and responsibilities as with officer Board members but without a designated office.
    • Attend and participate in Board meetings and vote on all the issues decided by the Board.
    • Serve on or head ad hoc committees as selected by the President.
    • Maintain contact with our insurance broker/agent and update the board with any changes in coverage.
    • Maintain contact with our lawyers on retainer and relay any necessary information to the board during the monthly board meeting.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.


  • Newsletter Editor

    Jennifer Maloney

    Member Duties

    • Set date for receipt of newsletter input at prior month BOD meeting and send reminder notices to BOD for newsletter input.
    • Poll community members for newsletter input.
    • Review/proof newsletter input for accuracy and relevance.
    • Insert sidebars/filler, use clip-art as necessary to make the newsletter an attractive means of clear communication with the neighborhood.
    • Submit draft newsletter to BOD for approval before publishing.
    • Print, sort and deliver paper copies of the newsletter utilizing available volunteer couriers and board member support as needed.
    • Distribute electronic versions to the webmaster for publishing to the HFCA website and post to the LISTSERV.
    • Manage newsletter advertising including renewals and the solicitation of new advertisers utilizing board member support as needed.
    • Provide the following years estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.
  • Social Committee Chair


    Member Duties

    • Coordinate, lead & execute all social functions for the Hickory Farms neighborhood.
    • Provide social calendar events to the Secretary, so events can be published on the Hickory Farms website and BOD calendar.
    • Communicate social events via Hickory Farms print, email & social communication methods.
    • Submit all receipts in a timely manner to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
    • Provide the following years estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.
    • Oversee HFCA Block Reps program.
    • Prepare and submit a brief email update prior to each regular monthly Board meeting regarding current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.
  • Webmaster

    Bryan Crabtree

    Member Duties

    • Manage and Maintain the Hickory Farms Community Association website.
    • Keep website content up to date and add new content when appropriate.
    • Upload the community newsletter to the website when it is published by the Newsletter Editor.
    • Troubleshoot and resolve any website related issues that may arise.
    • Ensure web hosting and domain name accounts are current and are renewed when appropriate.
    • Maintain HFCA email aliases, update the recipient lists when new community members join the board or when a board member retires.
    • Validate and approve new website user registrations.
    • Remove website users who no longer live in the community.
    • Moderate website usage by community users.
    • Perform and retain quarterly backups in addition to the automatic daily backups performed by the web host.
    • Provide upcoming yearly estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.
  • Community Yard Sale Coordinator

    Pete Scala

    Member Duties

    • Act as point of contact for all issues pertaining to the annual HFCA Community Yard Sale.
    • Advise the Board on costs associated with the sale that are not covered by the entry fee, or are required in advance (e.g., advertising fees).
    • Prepare articles for the newsletter and/or fliers for distribution in advance of the event; prepare maps and other handouts for people coming to the event.
    • Collect all entry fees and turn over to the Treasurer for deposit.
    • Provide a wrap-up report to include all receipts and distributions, as well as lessons learned for next year.
    • Provide the following years estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.

Valued Volunteers

  • Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

    Allie Shaw & Steve Kubrak

    Member Duties

    • Attend Neighborhood Watch Coordinator meetings.
    • Maintain and distribute the watch schedule and roster, coordinate substitutes as needed.
    • Monitor the watch kit by ensuring the equipment is up to date, there are enough event log sheets in the logbook, and that all events in the log were reported properly.
    • Write an article for newsletter each month which includes the watch schedule for the next two months and any relevant items of interest.
    • Keep watch members and the Board aware of crime activity in the area.
    • Coordinate with local Fairfax County police community liaison officers and Braddock District Supervisor office for public safety purposes, such as may be needed for placement of Slow Down—Children Playing signs and electronic speed display signs.
    • Provide the following years estimated budget expenses to the Treasurer in advance.
  • Architectural Control Committee

    Justin Mensen, Keith Furguson, Donna Garfield, Ed Kiechlin, Josef Gasimov, Louis Eswood & Bob Sottile

    Member Duties

    • Provide support as directed by the committee chair.
    • Attend ACC meetings, participate in group discussions and provide feedback ACC related topics regarding the community.
    • Assist in yearly property inspections.
  • Common Areas Committee

    Bob & Judy Cosgriff, Rich Dudley, Larry Rogers, Melissa & Jarrett Stark

    Member Duties

    • Be an advocate for the commons area you are supporting.
    • Monitor your commons area monthly.Provide feedback to CAC Chair on if you find something amiss and action should be taken.Such as, but not limited to: a fallen tree(s), monitor or remove a dying tree, vandalism, a lot of sticks littering the commons (clean up needed), mowers missing areas, etc.
    • Attend CAC meetings, participate in group discussions and provide feedback on the planning of our commons area and community.
    • Participate in at least (1) clean up or planting activity for the year.
    • Prepare read-a-heads for distribution by email prior to each regular monthly board meeting regarding updates on current activities, issues, or action item follow-up when needed.
  • Social Committee

    Laura Bucher & Juliette Giordano

    Member Duties

    • Contact all new residents shortly after move-in to set up an appointment for a visit.
    • Gather new residents’ telephone and email information for the HFCA master data base; pass on to Secretary.
    • Greet & get to know residents to spread the word about social events and BOD initiatives.
    • Share feedback from residents to the board as appropriate.
    • Provide updates and insights from the Block Rep experience to the board at least once annually.
  • Listserv

    David Tropiano

    Member Duties

    • Approve membership based on verified residency.
    • Approve messages sent by members in accordance with guidelines approved by neighborhood board.
    • Reject messages that are in violation of any guidelines.
    • Maintain technical settings that best serve the interest of the neighborhood (naming conventions, file sharing (newsletter, etc.), membership/message approval process.
    • Communicate with board leadership as needed to make updates to instructions, guidelines and membership requests - specifically outlined on hickoryfarms.org/hickory-farms-listserv.
    • Other minor duties as needed - deleting outdated messages, providing technical support to users, etc.