HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2024
August 2024 Hickory Farms HOA Meeting Minutes
Location: Microsoft Teams video
Board Members in Attendance:
Telah Jackson-Vice President
Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer
Ben Noviello- Secretary
Melissa Stark- Common Areas
Judy Deng- Treasurer
Charles Chu– Member at Large
Pam Barrett-Member at Large
Others in Attendance:
Steve Kubrak
Bob Cosgriff
Jill Horner
Jim Bever
John Kitzmiller
Justin Mensen
A quorum having been reached; the meeting was brought to order at 7:05 PM
Approval of minutes was conditionally approved pending review by all board members
Old Business
Treasurer Report
Judy confirmed that all relevant bank statements were in Teams and reported that the short-term CD devoted to the strategic investment fund had been renewed and re-invested.
Commons Area Report
Melissa reported on the ongoing expense of removing dead trees and the continued cost of mowing.
ACC Report
Justin Mensen described ongoing efforts to inspect the exterior of homes and report on compliance with community standards. There was a discussion of the special case of a house that had been damaged by fire, and the effect that status had on the approach to be taken. This resulted in three motions:
The first motion made by Ben and seconded by acclamation was to continue the ongoing process of inspection and reporting. This motion passed.
The second motion made by Ben and seconded by acclamation was to engage with legal counsel for advice regarding what effect, if any, the involuntary nature of fire damage, and the constraints imposed by alleged delays in insurance payments might have on ACC enforcement. The motion passed.
The third motion made by Telah and seconded by acclamation was to continue ongoing ACC enforcement regarding a specific homeowner. The motion passed.
New Business
Upcoming October 15 Annual Meeting
Melissa reported about the availability of Green Acres space to hold the annual meeting. A few board members were concerned about the COVID numbers rising and suggested continuing to hold the meeting virtually.
A motion was made by Melissa to continue conducting this meeting virtually; Telah seconded; the motion passed.
The motion was made by Tad to use the same agenda a last year; Ben seconded; the motion passed.
Melissa agreed to provide Ben with proper distribution lists for the various presenters.
Ben agreed to share the templates with the presenters and incorporate these into an over-all presentation.
A discussion of the need to balance an efficient meeting that was respectful to people’s time with the desire to allow full discussion of relevant issues occurred. Ben agreed to mention this trade-off when sharing the template, with a nominal expected time of 10 minutes for each.
A discussion occurred on the importance of personal relationships and a sense of common value to recruiting new members of the board. The importance of using committees to increase involvement was stressed.
Melissa stated that this would be discussed with homeowners during the community-engagement “walk around” scheduled for 24 August.
All the existing board members expressed their intent to continue serving.
Ben stressed the importance of consistent attendance to maintaining the ability to achieve a Quorum and ensuring that everyone was familiar with key issues.
The proposed budget was presented and explained to all participants. No opposition was expressed. [Secretary note: A formal board member vote was made via MicroSoft Teams. The budget was approved.]
Tela moved to adjourn; Melissa seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
- Board of Directors
- Governing Documents
- Architectural Control
- Annual Assessment (Dues)
- Meeting Minutes
- Strategic Plan
- Contact Us