Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016


  • Bruce Bernhardt, President
  • Chuck Stewart, Vice President
  • Don Lobeda, Community Grounds, Paths, and Woods
  • Vanessa Franck, Neighborhood Watch
  • Kirk Randall, Member at Large
  • Brenda Denny, Treasurer
  • Stefan Schwarz, Listserv Coordinator
  • Vincent Berry, New Webmaster


  • Ed Wagner, Secretary, Member at Large
  • Brand Niemann, Member at Large, Records Management
  • Mike Merhman, Member at Large

Meeting Minutes and Action Items

1. Welcome and Opening: Meeting opened with introduction of Vince Berry as the new Hickory Farms Community Association Website Administrator.

2.0 Old Business:

2.1 Motion was offered, seconded and approved to approve Minutes from HFCA Board Meeting held on 11/10/2015.

2.2 Board Action Items discussed:

= Review By-Law change with HFCA Attorney – Bruce B. reported no change in status.

= A complaint was discussed regarding use of HFCA funds to provide a credit for the Annual Assessment awarded at the Annual Meeting in October.  This issue will be added to the discussion Bruce will have with our Attorney.

= A complaint was discussed regarding signs posted in the island (portion of grass between sidewalk and curb, also referred to as “parkway”) on properties in Hickory Farms.  The Board decided to research this issue further.  Kirk R. subsequently raised this issue with Ann Sharp of Supervisor Cook’s office and will discuss it at the next Board meeting.

= 4297 County Squire Lane Issues – (1) Bruce B. will contact property owner to discuss current tenant behaviors and discuss landlord plans for new tenants in May/June.  (2) Vanessa discussed community options with Fairfax Police Community Liaison Officer.  In order to establish record of issues, when activities occur that disturb neighbors, a call must be placed to the police and make sure a report is filed.  Case needs to be built on the record of the types and scope of disturbances at the property.  Neighbors need to not only call the police and make a report but also alert HFCA Board members of the incidents so we can follow-up with Community Liaison Officer after each incident.  (3) Neighbors reported Thursday night is the most likely night for loud parties and disturbances.  It was also reported that between 5 and 7 automobiles are parked at or immediately near the address on some evenings overnight indicating more than the 4 tenants are staying overnight at the address.  (4) The Board will reach out to Supervisor Cook’s Office for advice on how to deal with this situation.

= Following discussion, Kirk R, Mike M,, and  Stefan S, agreed to review and revise the Standards of Etiquette for Use of the HFCA Email Service document and provide the proposed changes to the next HFCA Board Meeting for review and approval.

= Neighborhood Walkthrough Results – Vanessa provided current status of individual Board and ACC member reports of non-compliance with HFCA Restrictive Covenants and Rules and Regulations.  Full results will be provided at next Board Meeting.  Two properties were identified as most non-compliant.  Multiple properties have begun leaving trash and recycle bins in front of the front building property line.  Additional discussion is scheduled for next Board Meeting.

= 10115 Spinning Wheel Court clean-up assistance effort was discussed.  Over 5 truckloads of yard debris were removed by Hickory Farms volunteers over the previous 5 weeks.  Clean-up efforts are being suspended due to the colder, winter weather.  Bruce B. will check with property owner in the Spring to see if additional assistance is needed.  Approximately 30% of the property was cleared and is now in compliance with HFCA Restrictive Covenants.

= Cloud processing and storage issues were deferred until next meeting.

= Speeding within HF – eyewitness documentation of speeding vehicles was provided to the Board by one homeowner.  Another homeowner indicated they plan to write an article for the Newsletter against any calming options within HF.  The Board agreed to contact Supervisor Cook’s Office and find out what the process is to have a traffic monitoring device placed in HF to provide objective data on the scope and scale of speeding within our community (A formal request to have a traffic monitoring device located on Still Meadow Road was submitted to Supervisor Cook’s office by Bruce B. in February).  Any action requesting speed calming devises (speed humps, speed bumps, etc.) will be presented at an Annual Meeting and subject to approval by the entire HFCA general membership.

3.0 New Business

3.1 Board Resolutions:

- A motion was made, seconded and approved to authorize Don L. to spend up to $725.00 for tree removal expenses related to a downed tree.  

- A motion was made, seconded and approved authorizing the Treasurer to move HFCA Certificates of Deposit (CDs) from Capital One Bank to Sun Trust Bank.

3.2 Standing Committee Reports:

- Secretary:  Ed W. was delayed at work.  Secretary report deferred to next Board meeting.

- Treasurer: Brenda D.

= 2015 Budget and Actuals have been closed without any changes. 2016 Budget and Actual

Monthly report was deferred to next Board Meeting.  Brenda discussed cost of Post Office

Box.  Brenda discussed moving HFCA CDs from Capital One to Sun Trust.  Board agreed 

with option to move the CDs and a motion was approved. 

- Common Grounds, Woods and Paths: Don L.

= Burke Station entrance HF stone sign has been spray painted with green paint.  Don tried self-cleaning without success.  Professional paint remover may cost up to $1,200 to remove green paint from stone and brick portions of the entrance sign. 

= Don will have the area around the culvert at the bottom of the lower common area cleared out and cleaned up.  This should aid water to enter the storm water sewer opening located there.

= Don is expecting a number of trees to fall over the Winter season.  Anyone observing either a downed tree or a tree that looks like it is in danger of falling should alert Don.

- Neighborhood Watch: Vanessa F.

= Vanessa is researching new signs for Neighborhood Watch.  She will report back at subsequent meeting.

= Replacement of current NW bag with 2 new bags in progress.  Expense will hit 2016 budget.

- ACC: Brian R.

= Quite time of year – not many requests for changes over the Winter months.

= 3 requests were received.  3 approvals were provided.  0 rejections.

- At Large Members: no items discussed


- Vice President: Chuck S. - no items discussed


- President: Bruce B.

= Discussed moving start time to 8 pm.  After discussion, Board decided to move start time from 7:30 pm to 7:45 pm on a trial basis. 

= Discussed additional options for celebrating HFCA 40th Anniversary!  Ideas included new Logo, including 40th Anniversary on all correspondence, progressive dinner, open house event in neighborhood.  More discussion planned at next Board Meeting.

3.3 Potential Capital Improvements in 2016:

- Improvements to the Northern Path are under consideration.

- A proposal to add 2 new entrance signs on Burke Station Road and Roberts Road is under consideration.

- Additional suggestions are being sought and will be discussed at next Board Meeting.

4.0 Meeting Adjourned.
