Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2023

Minutes of the Hickory Farms HOA Board held on 11 April 2023 


TEAMS video 

In Attendance: 

Telah Jackson-Vice President 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ken Sorg- Treasurer 

Ben Noviello-Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 

Pam Barrett – Member at large 

The meeting began at 7:05 

The March minutes were unanimously approved.  

Old Business 

Treasurer’s Report 

Ken reported the following: 

Financial statements and all transactions have been posted in the TEAMS “Treasurer” channel.  

The financial review has been conducted, and access to the “Money Minder” tool was greatly appreciated. 

Tax documents have been submitted to the accountant for preparation. 

Pam expressed a desire that a pie chart of the budget be prepared for the annual meeting.  

Tad suggested buying a short-term $60,000 financial bond.  After a clarification of the ability of these funds to be accessed if needed, Ken made a motion to buy a $60,000 bond. Tad seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  

As per an earlier discussion with Ken, Ben offered to collect mail every week from the Hickory Farms Post Office Box and deliver it to the treasurer. 

Commons Area Report 

Melissa reported the following: 

Mowing started April 4th.  

“Lamb Mowers” arrived on April 11th . They did a good job, and their presence became a great social event.  

The next event is scheduled for April 19th  9 AM.    

Melissa offered to write an article about this for the monthly newsletter  

There was a recent altercation with trespassers from “George Mason Forest”, which led to police involvement and the issuance of a ban.   

Melissa expressed concern about this could lead to escalation 

There was a discussion of the history of our, mostly amicable, interactions with the residents of George Mason Forest with regard to their use of our commons area.  

Ken recommends that we send an invitation to the HOA of George Mason Forest to attend a future HOA to discuss this further.  

 Ben offered to write a draft of this and share it via TEAMS 

New Business 

Ken reported that Jim Bever’s identity has been stolen and used for email phishing scams. There was a discussion of past incidents of identity theft and spamming based on personal identity information included in the newsletter. Telah offered to follow up with Jim Bever regarding this and other issues 

Melissa indicated that someone has volunteered to revitalize the neighborhood watch.!    

Melissa expressed concern that the proper people were on legal documents.  Ken clarified that all legal documents should now be stored under the “files” section of the TEAMS “Original Document” channel.   

A discussion of the best way to conduct the annual meeting occurred. 

Ben moved that the annual meeting be done virtually.  Telah seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.   The meeting was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th.  

There was a discussion about liability insurance, and if there is a different liability requirement for board members than there is for HOA homeowners in general.  Telah will talk to Jim about this. 

There was a discussion of the need to print a few hardcopies of the newsletters for inclusion in the “little libraries.” Pam offered to facilitate this. 

Mellissa moves to adjourn.  Telah seconded, and the motion passed. 

 8:30 Adjourned 
