Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

August 1, 2017

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Hickory Farms Property Encroachment along Rabbit Run Commons Area (Bruce)

Bruce noted several areas where homeowners had made semipermanent changes to the common areas. It was noted that, while all homeowners had access to all the common areas, it was impermissible for any homeowner to take over any of the common areas or to make permanent changes. He added that he had already begun talking with a homeowner regarding occupation of common areas near Tumbleweed Court.

Updating Signatures at the Bank (Bruce & Team)

It was noted that the president, vice president, and treasurer would meet at the bank on Saturday, Aug. 5, to update signatures on the HFCA bank accounts.

Declaration Changes and Subcommittee (Bruce)

Bruce said the subcommittee had held its first meeting. He suggested that an initial pitch of the change to the Declaration (to allow the HFCA to fine violators) should be made at the upcoming Annual meeting. It was noted that, in two years of home inspections by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and HFCA Board members to ensure that homes were in compliance with HFCA covenants and rules, no lawsuits had been initiated.

A presentation would be made at the October 10, 2017, annual meeting, concerning the need to modify the covenants. He noted it would be necessary to have at least 149 of the 198 homeowners ratify the proposed changes to the covenants in order for the changes to be implemented. Proxies would not suffice, each homeowner must personally sign the appropriate document.

Bruce added that he would circulate a draft of the changes to the covenants to the Board for comment.

Northern Path Clean Up (Melissa)

Melissa noted that she and her husband had cleared 3/4 of the upper path. She had scraped, primed and painted railings along Rabbit Run, but needed to do more. Passers-by had indicated they would be willing to help.

Insurance Issues (Chuck)

Chuck noted that it would be necessary for volunteers to sign waivers in order to participate in organized clean-ups due to insurance requirements. He added that he was gathering information to show Board members what their rights were. He stated he would have information on the insurance waiver within 30 days.

Neighborhood Watch Signs Placement (Melissa)

Melissa explained that new Neighborhood Watch (NW) signs were not yet done.

Neighborhood Watch Campaign & Website Update (Debbi)

Debbie announced that the NW bag was missing. The Board discussed the need or desire to continue NW. The Board agreed to set a goal of 50 NW teams by the time of the Annual Meeting. If that goal could not be met, then there would be discussion about discontinuing NW.

2016 Taxes Update (Dante)

Danta noted that the 2016 taxes had been returned by the preparer. There was tax due on advertising income.


Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

Brian said that all ACC violations that were discovered during the April 2017 inspection had been given 60 days in which to either correct the violations or submit a plan to correct the violations.

Bruce suggested that, in some cases, homeowners were unable to correct the violations, and suggested that volunteers could be called upon to make the corrections, as a last resort before referring the issue for legal action.

Chuck noted that Fairfax County has a volunteer group to help homeowners that were unable to maintain their property.


Dante distributed a copy of the HFCA financial statement. He added that all dues for 2017 had been collected, and HFCA had about $56,000 in cash deposits.

He noted that Tom DeMott would serve as Treasurer, but that he would assist.

He suggested that there was a need to develop an in-house auditing process, and suggested the consideration of another tax preparer.

Common Area (Melissa)

It was noted that the upper area had been mulched. Melissa and her husband had policed the area, picking up trash. She was hoping for funds to return to the upper common area.

Bruce suggested that , rather than trying to clear the existing path through the woods surrounding Rabbit Run, that there was a strip of common area between Rabbit Run and the properties of the homeowners on Cotton Farm, and suggested creating a new path there. Such a path would eliminate the need to maintain bridges over Rabbit Run and its tributaries that satisfied the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Board discussed signage for the common areas, paths, and herbicide spraying. Melissa had distributed drafts to Board members via e-mail.

Mr. Stewart suggested contacting Fairfax County for guidance regarding sign size and verbiage for signs to be placed in the common areas.

It was agreed that the existing mowing contract would continue until it expired. Melissa noted that she was soliciting more bids for the mowing contract.

Vice President

Mr. Stewart advised he had attended a meeting on possible revisions to county zoning requirements. Short-term rentals such as Airbnb were being examined at both state and county levels.

Nominating Committee

Melissa, Dante, and Don agreed to serve as the Nominating Committee and to present a slate of nominees at the Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting

The Board agreed that the Annual Meeting would be held October 10, 2017, from 8:00-10:00 pm, at Green acres. Bryan offered to provide a projector should one be necessary.

Next Meeting

The Board agreed to meet on September 12, in order to prepare for the Annual Meeting.

The next regularly scheduled Board would be October 3.
