Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2017

Special Topic Meeting

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017 @ 7:30 PM
4301 Still Meadow Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032

Board Member Attendees:
President: Bruce Bernhardt
Vice President: Chuck Stewart
Secretary: John Kitzmiller
Common Areas: Melissa Stark
Architectural Control Committee (ACC): Brian Roethlisberger
At Large – Newsletter Editor: Don Seymour
Treasurer (Acting): Dante Gilmer

Opening, Welcome and Introductions:

Bruce B. welcomed the board members and thanked them for attending this special topic meeting.

Informational Update:

Bruce B. informed the board that Don Lobeda after 5+ years of service to the community managing the common grounds has decided to resign. Melissa Stark has agreed to over the Common Areas position and John Kitzmiller will take over the Secretary position for the board. Also new neighbor, Tom DeMott, has agreed to help out Dante Gilmer with the Treasurer position.

Common Grounds Discussion:

Melissa provided the board details about our Thursday, June 22nd common grounds evaluation meeting with Lily Whitesell from VA Soil & Water.

Specifically to the Upper Commons the board discussed the following:

  • Mowing and herbicide treatment for the bamboo
  • HFCA's liability insurance for volunteers
  • J&J Landscape Management Inc. costs for bamboo removal & herbicide spray
  • Priority areas in the Upper Commons that J&J Landscape Management will remove first, second, etc.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to authorize Melissa Stark to sign the proposal with J&J Landscape Management Inc. and spend up to $6,600 on the bamboo removal in the Upper Commons and two herbicide sprays.

Meeting Opened: 7:30 PM - Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 PM
