Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Previous minutes

The Board approved the minutes of the April 2018 meeting.

Treasurers Report

The Board reviewed the Treasurer’s report. It was noted that the money market account had provided a modest income.

The continuing need for an Assistant Treasurer was noted.

Annual Meeting

A room was reserved for the HFCA Annual Meeting, scheduled for October 11, 2018, at the Green Acres Community Center. A projector would be required; Bryan Crabtree may be able to provide one.

Common Grounds

Melissa said that she was negotiating a new contract with CLS, which had been very responsive to requests during 2018. Her intent was to continue mowing; drop the fixed schedule for herbicide application; and request a “menu” of services that could be performed on an as-needed basis.

She noted that it would be necessary to get rid of Japanese stilt grass that was growing throughout the common area, because its shallow root system wouldn’t prevent topsoil erosion.

She further noted that weed management and grass overseeding would be a major expense in the fall. Aeration would be performed on 8 ½ acres of common ground that were grass. CSL would aerate, HFCA would spread grass seed and topsoil.

There was a lengthy discussion on flooding from Fairfax City into HFCA property owners’ yards. There was a need for a meeting with Fairfax City and the Fairfax County water boards. Melissa suggested having those homeowners that had been affected at the meeting, and expressed the need for Bruce ??. Kirk urged the Board to contact Fairfax City homeowners and alert them regarding such a meeting.

Social Committee

A volunteer appreciation day was scheduled for September 8. 2018. All board members were urged to be present.

Architectural Control Committee

Brian Roethlesburger advised that 30 letters had been mailed to date to homeowners, advising of violations that needed to be corrected, and probably no more than 10 letters remained to be sent.

Two homes would require individual visits.

The proposal by a homeowner to install a propane tank with which to fuel a gas fireplace that had been rejected at the Board’s last meeting had been revised, re-submitted, and approved.

The ACC now is searching for a new Chair.

Neighborhood Watch

Debbie advised she was following up on Neighborhood Watch signs, which should already have been received. She added that Neighborhood Watch had one new volunteer.

At Large Members’ Report

Kirk had three recommendations for the annual meetings:

The meeting notice should be extended to homeowners and residents both. However, only homeowners can vote.

Votes taken by e-mail should be memorialized in minutes

Written ballots should be eliminated.

Also, the Board should strive to have a more orderly transition of documents from one year to the next.

HFCA cannot afford to hire the services of a CPA annually. Perhaps a committee could oversee the finances for several years at a time, after which a CPA could be retained for a year.

He raised the question of whether there was a need for Board members to sign any document in order to finalize changes to the Rules and Regulations. Board members were asked to submit comments no later than close of business Sunday, August 12, 2018.

The question of charging homeowners to participate in official community yard sales was raised, and it was agreed that HFCA would pay for advertising, rather than charging homeowners.

It was noted that the search for an editor for the newsletter continued.

The question of how to get the streets in Hickory Farms paved was raised. Kirk offered to draft a request to be sent to VDOT.

Strategic Plan

Telah suggested a meeting in September specifically to address the Mission Statement and Vision Statement. She noted the importance of getting homeowners feedback via survey. Perhaps one could be prepared in time to be distributed at the Annual Meeting. Melissa suggested the use of “Survey Monkey.”

Telah said she would circulate draft statements via e-mail. A meeting would be held September 19 at 7:30 to discuss these statements.

Next Meeting

The Board’s September meeting would be September 11 at Debbi Buchanan’s house.

The Board’s October meeting would be October 2.

The HFCA Annual Meeting would be October 11 at the Green Acres Community Center.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.
