HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
May 29, 2018
Location: 4301 Still Meadow Rd
Time: 7:30 PM (Thanks Bruce)
Board members Present: Charles Stewart, Dante Gilmer, Bruce Bernhardt, Kirk Randall, Melissa Stark, Brian Roethlisberger, Telah Jackson
Secretary: Motion to Approve, April 24, 2018, Meeting Minutes was tabled.
Standing Agenda Items
2017 Taxes are paid
2018 Budget and Actuals Monthly Report
No one has stepped to the Assistant Treasurer Position.
The room is rented for the Annual Meeting update on October 11, at Green Acres.
Common Areas and Social Committee
CLS sprayed the upper commons today
Fairfax County repaired one of Lower Commons Storm Drain and will do major repair work another storm drain later.
Girl Scout Brownies and Daisy Pollinator/Kindness Project was a great success.
Entrances - Clean Up, Paint Project, Solar Lighting & flowers - Both entrances are cleaned up, flowers are planted around the entry marque, and solar lighting is installed.
Spring Clean-Ups and mulching went well.
Clean up (Rabbit Run & Upper Commons)
Grass (or lack thereof) Weed Management violets in the grass can be removed with Crossbow spray
Tree Issues and FX City Neighbor Relations (N. Path, Rabbit Run & Lower Commons)
Voted and passed to send letter to homeowner in The City of Fairfax.
Voted on and passed $1,782 or tree removal.
The survey of residents ideas for the common areas is progressing
Architectural Control Committee (ACC Report)
Property Inspections are ongoing.
LPG tanks were discussed.
Neighborhood Watch discussion was tabled
At Large Issues
Kirk Randall: By-Law discussion
Telah Jackson: Strategic Planning
Vice President:
Changes to Deed and Declaration
The Mapping Internship is going well. Heather Stewart, the intern, and Bruce went to the courthouse and looked at Hickory Famers easement papers. Most of the easements are general and do not give exact locations.
Annual HFCA Calendar
Nominating Committee by Dante Gilmer
Newsletter – No one has stepped up
New Business/Open Discussion
Little libraries are being used.
The Fiesta went great.
- Board of Directors
- Governing Documents
- Architectural Control
- Annual Assessment (Dues)
- Meeting Minutes
- Strategic Plan
- Contact Us