Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2019

Location: 10110 Round Top Ct
Time: 7:30 – 9:35pm


John Kitzmiller, Chuck Stewart, Kirk Randall, Bill Berg, Telah Jackson, Debbi Buchanan, Melissa Stark (by phone), Bruce Bernhardt, Pam Barrett

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Board’s October and November 2019 meetings were approved.

New Business/Open Discussion

Positions on the Board

It was noted that a new Secretary would be needed in the new year.

Records Retention

It was agreed generally that an effort must be made to organize yearly records, for as far back as such records could be found.

Standing Agenda Items

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Jim asked that all outstanding bills be submitted to him as soon as possible, so that the expenses for the year could be closed out.

Thirty-five percent of homeowners had submitted their 2020 assessment as of December 12. Paypal was working now to allow homeowners to submit their annual assessments electronically, and the payments were reflected in the HFCA account with no delay. It was suggested that there be a cutoff date for electronic payment of February 1, but no action was taken.

It was suggested that the year-end treasurer’s report should reflect moneys going back into the capital reservefund.

Common Areas

Melissa advised that some trees from the common area around Rabbit Run had fallen into a back yard and would need to be removed. Also Rabbit Run caution signs would be installed by the end of the year.

Melissa advised that representatives of Fairfax County would visit Rabbit Run with an eye towards assuming control, including responsibility for maintenance. The County would include Rabbit Run in a plan that would cover other neighborhoods. Once 65 percent of the plan was put in place, there would be no chance to change the plan, so the Board must ensure that the community supports the effort.

The need to survey the bounds of the common area near the Merman property on Cotton Farm Road was noted.

She added that there would be one last fall cleanup before year’s end.

Architectural Control Committee

Pam reported only one issue, resulting from a homeowner that submitted an application for work that would fall within the Resource Protection Area. The homeowner was told to check with the RPA first, but no completed application had been received yet.

Bruce stressed the need for consistency in enforcing the rules, to minimized the chances of losing in court, should any homeowner take issue with the actions of the ACC.

Neighborhood Watch

No change


The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, 2020.
