Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2019


Bruce Bernhardt (by phone), Debbi Buchanan, Charles Stewart, Jim Bever, Kirk Randell, Melissa Stark and Tehal Jackson. Dante Gilmer, John Kitzmiller, and Pam Barrett were not in attendance.

F. Francois Pazhwak of 10009 Mosby Rd requested the opportunity to speak to the Board, but did not confirm or show.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes tabled.

New Business/Open Discussion


Bryan Crabtree gave a presentation of the proposed HFCA website. Bryan will be given Insurance information to incorporate into the website.

Block Captains

A new name, such as Good Neighbors, is needed.


While no one was seen golfing in the lower common, a golf ball was found. This makes more than 75 golf balls found in the lower common over the past year.


Branding efforts will continue.

North Path

North Path Project Status was tabled. A committee consisting of Kirk, Melissa and Bruce as lead formed to work the North Path Project scope, details and costs. North Path storm water is flowing thru the drainage system; however, maintenance is an issue.

Standing Agenda Items


Jim Bever, Treasurer, presented the December 2018 budget and actuals information. The 2019 assessments are arriving, but 20 to 30 are late. Kirk recommended sending out a listserv to ask resident volunteers to help with the annual budget reconciliation. The Board voted to repay Telah Jackson for color survey results printing. The survey was included with the December 2018 Newsletter. After discussion, the Board voted to allow Jarrett Stark to buy chainsaw chaps with a cost limit of $250, due to the hazard of working with a chain saw.

Common Areas

Melissa Stark, Common Areas Coordinator, is planning a common areas cleanup and planting. A dumpster will be available for the debris. In the fall, the upper and lower commons grass will be over seeded. Jarrett Stark is renovating the two little libraries.

Social Committee

Melissa Stark, Social Committee, discussed the Christmas Neighborhood Decorating Awards and will email the 2019 events calendar in a week.

Architectural Control Committee

Pam Barrett, Architectural Control Committee Chair, was not present and discussion was tabled.

Neighborhood Watch

Debbi Buchanan, Neighborhood Watch, said the new schedule will be out soon.

At Large - By-Laws

Kirk Randall, By-Laws discussion, vote was to use the By-Laws wording as per annual meeting.

At Large - Strategic Plan

Telah Jackson: Strategic Planning, discussed completing 2018 statement and having a real estate agent come to the planning meeting to give ideas on how to improve the Hickory Farms Community.

Vice President

Bruce Bernhardt, Vice President, discussion of the Deed and Declaration changes was tabled.


Charles Stewart, President, the 2019 HFCA events calendar is being compiled. Newsletter will go out the week of the 20th of January.


Next HFCA Board approved meeting is February 12, 2019.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
