HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Previous minutes
The Board approved the minutes of the January and February 2018 meetings.
Eagle Scout Project
Patrick Tomlin presented a proposal for a “Little Free Library” project, which he would use as his Eagle Scout project. He proposed to build two library boxes and install them in Hickory Farms (along with a third on the Fairfax pool property), without cost to HFCA. He proposed to place one box near the intersection of Cotton Farm Lane and Farmhouse Road and the other in the upper common area. During discussion, it was asked that a box for HFCA newsletters be added to the boxes ad that brick be used to surround the posts supporting the boxes so that the grass around them could be mowed readily. The Board approved his proposal.
Training Center Redevelopment
Bob Cosgriff presented a summary of what was being done to the NoVa Training Center property. (See Kirk Randall’s article in the most recent HFCA newsletter). Bob noted that the county had created a task force to assess needs that could be satisfied by the property, and published a report in January 2018. A community meeting was scheduled in April 2018 to gather comment, the Fairfax Planning Commission planned to address the property used at its June 2018 meeting, and a staff report was due in the fall of 2018. Rezoning the property would require approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Dante reported that all assessments had been collected for 2018, without requiring that any be referred for collection. The HFCA post office box was renewed for another year, corporate income taxes were being prepared.
It had been determined that HFCA was required to complete a 1099 form, “Miscellaneous Income,” for any contractor that HFCA paid $600 or more during the year. The CPA used by HFCA offered to handle all 1099 forms needed for an additional $100 per year; the Board approved this expenditure.
Common Grounds
It was noted that CLS had been paid $4,000 to spray herbicide on invasive growth. Concern was expressed over the use of herbicide; however, Melissa advised that the spraying was targeted, not broadcast.
She added that there had been some storm damage in the lower common area, but not a significant amount.
Also, there was a walk scheduled for April 7 along the Northern Path and Rabbit Run to identify problem areas.
The Board approved a planting project proposed by the Girl Scouts.
Neighborhood Watch
Debbi noted that the NW bag with spotlight and notebook was missing, but it was expected to turn up again.
At Large Members' Report
Kirk offered to back up Stefan Schwartz in running the listserv.
It was noted that some neighbors had suggested that use of a listserv was antiquated. Telah suggested that the community use Facebook to communicate, and offered to set up a page for HFCA. Bruce noted that any social media would require maintenance.
Strategic Plan
The Board discussed the form a strategic plan should take, noting that, whatever form it took, it must be in harmony with existing restrictive documents. It was agreed that a meeting would be held April 3 at Telah’s house to begin crafting the plan.
Vice President’s Report
Bruce noted that the weather was finally getting nice enough that Board members could go door-to-door to seek approval of the proposed change to the deed and declaration.
President’s Report
Chuck noted that his daughter would be mapping easements, cable television lines, telephone lines, etc., for a college project.
Chuck highlighted the need for additional articles for the newsletter, especially since a new editor had not yet been determined. Chuck offered to edit the May 2018 newsletter while the search continued. Given what HFCA had experienced with the wind storm, he asked Debbi to provide an article on emergency preparedness.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the HFCA Board was scheduled for April 24, 2018, at the home of Debbi Buchanan.
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