Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2018


Bruce Bernhardt, Debbi Buchanan, Dante Gilmer, Telah Jackson, John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall, Melissa Stark, Chuck Stewart, Heather Stewart

Previous Minutes

The Board approved the October 2018 minutes, with minor changes.

Positions on the 2019 HFCA Board

The Board discussed the positions to be filled for 2019, and agreed upon the following:
President - Chuck Stewart
Vice President - Bruce Bernhardt
Secretary - John Kitzmiller
Treasurer - Jim Bever
Assistant Treasurer - Dante Gilmer
At Large - Debbi Buchanan, Telah Jackson, Kirk Randall
Architectural Control Committee Chair – Pam Barrett
Common Areas Coordinator – Melissa Stark

New Business/Open Discussion

Community Survey

Telah distributed copies of the results of the neighborhood survey. It was agreed that the results would be published in the newsletter.


The Board agreed that homeowners should be reminded of the existence of the Listserv, and that contact information for homeowners should be updated. It was suggested that updating contact information might be the first task of Block Captains, if such were created.

Review Mapping Project Results

Ms. Stewart reviewed the results of her mapping project for Hickory Farms and circulated maps of the floodplains and easements in Hickory Farms. It was noted that nothing could be done in a Resource Protection Area that would affect the flow of water.

North Path

Messrs. Bernhardt and Stewart explained they had taken a Civil Engineer on a walk thru the North Path area and asked for suggestions to remediate the flooding taking place there.

The engineer recommended that a tree be removed and that a trench be dug and riprap added. He also suggested researching the industry standard for the slope of the path. All such work would be performed on HF property and none on adjoining properties belonging to Fairfax City residents. It was noted that the riprap would need to be maintained, i.e., cleared of leaves, branches, etc.

Bruce suggested funding the project through HFCA reserve fund. He noted that neither Fairfax City nor Fairfax County had funds available for small projects such as alleviating flooding along the North Path.

The cost of such work was estimated at about $5,000. The Board discussed the need to have such an expenditure approved by homeowners and determined it was not necessary.

It was further agreed that articles would be placed in the HFCA newsletter explaining the problem and possible solutions.

Bruce agreed to solicit bids on path repair and for digging the trench and adding riprap.

Standing Agenda Items


Dante reviewed the year-to-date budget, noting that the actual YTD deficit was below the budgeted deficit.

Common Areas

Melissa noted that there were several trees in the common areas that needed to be cut down and removed, and would solicit bids.

She noted Image Works had submitted a proposal for aerating and overseeding, and Tru-Green for applying fertilizer and herbicides to the Common Area, to control crabgrass and weeds. The Board approved the contracts with Image Works and Tru-Green.

The Board discussed the appearance of the entrance signs to Hickory Farms. Telah noted that the homeowner survey showed that homeowners were concerned about the signs.

Neighborhood Watch

Debbi showed new Neighborhood Watch magnetic signs and noted that the Watch had a new member.


The next regularly scheduled Board meeting would be December 11, 2018, at Debbi Buchanan’s house.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 pm.
