Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2023

Minutes of the Hickory Farms HOA Board held on  

14 November 2023 



Microsoft Teams video 


In Attendance: 

Telah Jackson-Vice President 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ben Noviello- Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 
Judy Deng- Treasurer 

Charles Chu – Member at large 

Pam Barret – Member at large 


Meeting began at 7:00 PM 

Ben moved that the October minutes be approved; Tad seconded; The motion passed.  

Old Business 

Treasurers Report 

Judy reported that the latest bank statement had been loaded into the Treasurer Channel in Teams, and that invoices had been reconciled. She also reported her discussion with the bank regarding a HOA credit card. Because a board member would be required to take personal responsibility for such a card, Melissa suggested a debit card instead. There was a discussion about setting up a small account associated with a debit card. 

Judy moved that she should investigate setting up a debit card; Ben seconded; The motion passed. 

Judy also mentioned that the CDs will mature on 9 December. There was a discussion regarding  rolling the funds into a 6 month or a 9 month CD. Melissa mentioned that a 6 month would be best because of a $20,000 to $25,000 maintenance charge expected in the spring.  

Judy moved to roll-over maturing finds into a 6 month CD; Telah seconded; The motion passed.  

Commons Area Report 

Melissa reported that lawn maintenance bids for 2024 lawn care should be presented in January.  Currently 2 companies have bid. 

Melissa also noted the need for extensive maintenance associated with several dead and dying trees, which is expected to require some stump grinding. After a discussion, Melissa recommended that “CAS” be hired to perform this work at the rate of $9,900, which will come from the Common Areas Remediation budget.  

Melissa made a motion to hire CAS for tree remediation work up to $9,900.  Ben seconded; The motion passed.  

New Business 

There was discussion of the ongoing need to fill the President position. The option of a management company was discussed, and Charles stressed that management company would be focused more on fiduciary matters and not the many other community issues that the HOA must deal with.  

The option of a “rotating president” was suggested as something to be discussed in January. 

There was a discussion of the need for notification signs indicating that assessments are due. There was also a discussion of leveraging “money minder” for this, and that Bryan Crabtree might be involved.  

Telah moved to skip the December meeting; Ben seconded; The motion passed 

Ben moved to adjourn; Telah seconded; The motion passed 

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 PM 
