Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2023

Minutes of the Hickory Farms HOA Board held on  

10 October 2023 



Microsoft Teams video 

In Attendance: 

Telah Jackson-Vice President 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ben Noviello- Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 
Judy Deng- Treasurer 

Charles Chu – Member at large 

Meeting began at 7:00  

Tad moved that the July minutes be approved; Telah seconded; The motion passed.  

Old Business 

There was a discussion of the meaning of “not for profit,” and how this differed from a “non-profit” in terms of the HOA taxes. 

It was clarified that VPOAA is part of selling a house, and it was customary for a fee to be charged for the support the HOA provided to new house buyers.  This fee is gathered as part of closing. 

Treasurers Report 

Judy reported that the latest bank statement had been loaded into the treasurer channel in Teams, and that invoices had been reconciled.  She also reported plans to investigate the possibility of getting a HOA credit card as an alternative to the present procedure of reimbursing people for purchases made after the fact. 

The Board thanked Charles for his work updating the two insurance policies he had been asked to review. 

Commons Area Report 

Melissa reported that two homeowners had attended a meeting to discuss dealing with the invasive “Tree of Heaven.” She further reported meeting with the contractor regarding “grinding” the tree, but indicated that there was still uncertainty regarding the liability clauses included in the proposed contract. 

Melissa also warned that the costs for mowing of the commons area was expected to be much higher than in the past. 

Annual HOA Meeting  

Ben discussed the logistics of creating the presentation, and offered to integrate individual contributions into a single PowerPoint file to be shared during the meeting. 

New Business 

Melissa indicated that there was some confusion regarding the purchase of a foreclosed Still Meadow property by an investment firm. 

Melissa was also interested in knowing which proxies had been returned to sender. 

Melissa asked Judy about the need to update the VPOAA packet. 

Ben moved to adjourn; Telah seconded; the motion passed  

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM 
