Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2019

Location: 10110 Round Top Ct
Time: 7:30 – 9:30pm


Chuck Steward, Bruce Bernhardt, Dante Gilmore, Pam Barrett, Debbi Buchanan.
Participating via telephone: Jim Beaver, Melissa Stark, Telah Jackson


John Kitzmiller, Kirk Randall

Approval of Minutes

Approve prior Board Meeting Minutes deferred to next meeting.

Annual Meeting


All inputs to Annual Meeting presentations are due in by October 26-27. Mark inputs with Prefix Letter from Agenda Chuck previously distributed.

New Website

Bryan C., Webmaster, indicated several board members have accessed the new HFCA website. Several have not. He requested everyone sign up for access to the site and provide feedback.

PayPal: Bryan indicated PayPal capability is ready. Jim B. and Telah J. are setting up the HFCA PayPal account. Jim B. will send through a test transaction to see what service charges are added. Bruce B. will then send a second test transaction to confirm the “convenience fee” amount to insure $250 Assessment Fee reaches the Association bank account. Need to complete testing before Annual Meeting 10/29/2019. Telah J. will write a Newsletter article and get to Chuck by 10/26/19.

Annual Meeting Agenda Changes

No were identified.

VPOAA Changes

The Board identified three VPOAA Section numbers in the Rules and Regulations that are incorrect since VPOAA changed all section numbers, effective 10/1/2019. Motion was made to delete the section numbers from the Rules and Regulations and maintain the references to VPOAA. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A presentation will be made at the Annual Meeting to explain the changes and seek affirmation.

Charge for Disclosure Package

The Board previously approved establishing a Disclosure Package Fee, as authorized by the VPOAA. The Rules and Regulations will need to be amended to include the Disclosure Package Fee. The new charge will be announced at the Annual Meeting and will become effective January 1, 2020.

2020 Budget

HFCA 2020 Budget has been approved by the Board. The budget is included in the HFCA Newsletter and will be distributed to all property owners prior to the Annual Meeting.

Nominating Committee

Eight of current Ten Directors have agreed to seek re-election to the HFCA Board for 2020 at the Annual Meeting. Two Directors decided not to seek re-election. The eight candidates for 2020 Board positions are included on Proxy forms included in the HFCA Newsletter. Election will be held during the Annual Meeting 10/29/2019.

Annual Meeting Announcement Post Card

Annual Meeting announcement post card has been drafted and shared with Board Members for feedback. Post cards will be mailed in the next week.

New Business/Open Discussion

Records Retention

Board discussed retaining financial and ACC records from 2018 to 2019 and beyond.

Northern Path

Digging out a gully on the north side of the path is in progress.

Rabbit Run Engineer Visit

A civil engineer has been scheduled to visit Rabbit Run on Wednesday, 10/9/2019. The civil engineer and members of the HFCA Board and property owners will conduct a tour of the lower common area and Rabbit Run area, focusing on significant erosion that has occurred and continuing to occur.

Standing Agenda Items


Prior to the meeting, Jim B., Treasurer, distributed the 2019 Budget and Actuals spreadsheet, reflecting expended funds through September 2019. The Board discussed the current level of spending and expectations for expenses between October and end of year.

Common Areas

Melissa S., Ground Coordinator, provided an email before the Board Meeting with a detailed description of actions to date and plans for the October through December timeframe. Melissa provided a 2019 Budget update.

Social Committee

2019 Plans are on schedule. Monster Mash scheduled for 10/19/2019! HFCA Yard Sate on 10/5/2019 went well! Thanks to Pete S. for coordinating.

Architecture Control Committee (ACC)

Pam B., ACC Chair, provided a summary of the Annual 2019 Property Inspection Status.

Neighborhood Watch

Nothing to report.

At Large Issues

Nothing discussed.

Vice President

Deed & Declaration: Bruce B., VP, provided status on D&D changes. As of the Board Meeting, there has been no change. Based on virtually no movement since August, the D&D Change effort will be closed without achieving sufficient signatures to make any changes. The end of the D&D effort will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. Moving Forward without D&D Changes: Rules & Regulations will need to be revised and Due Process procedures will need to be revised to reflect existing D&D authorizations. R&R changes will be drafted early in 2020 and presented at Annual Meeting in October 2020 for affirmation.


Braddock District Council – October meeting will include Storm Water presentation by Fairfax County Staff.

Newsletter – Printing the week of 10/21/2019


Next Board of Directors Meeting Date: November 8, 2019. Annual Meeting is the theme.

Motion to Adjourn was seconded and unanimously approved.
