HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2019
Location: 10110 Round Top Ct
Time: 7:40 – 10:09pm
Pam Barrett, Debbi Buchanan, Telah Jackson, John Kitzmiller, Melissa Stark, Chuck Stewart, Bruce Bernhardt, Jim Bever
New Business/Open Discussion
Nominating Committee
Pam asked that all Board members advise her whether they were planning on running for the Board for 2020.
On a motion made and seconded, the Board agreed that the annual assessment for 2020 would be $250. The purpose of the increase was, to rebuild reserves and add a cushion. On a motion made and seconded, the Board agreed to add a line to the 2020 budget for Strategic Projects. It was noted that no funds were budget for such projects at this time. On a motion made and seconded, the Board agreed to present only the 2020 budget to HFCA homeowners at the annual meeting.
Deed and Declaration
Bruce reported that the effort to collect enough signatures to amend the Deed and Declaration had failed, and he would prepare a report to include in the newsletter.
Common Grounds
The condition of the bridges over Rabbit Run were discussed. The ground beneath the bridges (and beneath the path itself) was being eroded away. It was noted that permits would be required for repairing or replacing such bridges, being that they were in a Resource Protection area.
Disclosure Packet
The Board discussed disclosure packets that were made available for new home buyers in Hickory Farms. It was noted that the VPOAA permitted charging up to $146.71 for each packet. On a motion made and seconded, the Board agreed to begin charging $146.71 for each disclosure packet beginning January 1, 2020.
The next regularly scheduled Board meeting was scheduled for 7:30 pm, October 8, 2019, at Debbi Buchanan’s house.
The Annual Meeting was scheduled for 7:00 pm, October 29, 2019, at the Green Acres Center in Fairfax.
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