Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2024

October 2024 Hickory Farms HOA Meeting Minutes 

Location:  Microsoft Teams video 

Board Members in Attendance: 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ben Noviello- Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 

Judy Deng- Treasurer 

Pam Barrett- Member at Large 

A quorum having been reached. The meeting was brought to order at 7:10 PM. 

Motion to accept the September minutes was made by Ben; Melissa seconded; The motion passed. 

Old Business  

Secretary Report 

Ben reported that a total of 23 proxy forms had been received.  After discussion, Ben agreed to send a reminder email via Blind Carbon Copy based on the latest address-list to be provided by Judy 

Treasurer Report 

Judy reported that a record of all financial transactions was located in Teams.  Melissa agreed to coordinate with Judy regarding the commons-area financial statement. 

Commons Area Report 

Melissa reported the continuing requirement to remove dead and dying trees within the commons area.   

New Business 

Annual Meeting Scheduled for 15 October 

Melissa presented the draft slide-deck for the 15 October virtual annual meeting.  

Melissa reported the need for improved communication with the home-owners as a result of feedback obtained during the recent community walk-through.  In particular, it was suggested that additional discussion of this topic be made during the 12 November monthly meeting. 

Ben agreed to reach out to the ACC regarding content for the annual meeting 

Pam mentioned a desire to solicit volunteers to create a historical record of the HOA 

There was a discussion of the importance of balancing the length of the annual meeting with the need for participants to express their views. 

Ben stressed the need to solicit new members for the Board. 

Beneficial Ownership Filing 

Tad reported on a possible new legal requirement to document HOA board members with fiduciary authority to the US Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).  He pointed out that the way the HOA is currently categorized within the annual tax returns appears to fall under this requirement.  A hard deadline of 1 January 2025 was described. 

There was a strong consensus to refer this matter to legal counsel.  Melissa agreed to coordinate this with Telah in order to avoid any possible fines or complications.    

Ben moved to adjourn; Tad seconded; the motion passed;  

The meeting was adjourned circa 8:15 
