HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2021
Hickory Farms Community Association Board of Directors
April 13, 2021 at 7pm
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Attendance: Sean Coleman – President; Jim Bever - Vice President; Carlie Mensen - Secretary; Pam Barrett - ACC; Ken Sorg - Treasurer; Melissa Stark - Common Area Coordinator; Telah Jackson - Member-at-Large; Debbi Buchanan – Neighborhood Watch; William Berg – Member-at-Large, Newsletter Editor; Kathie Schmidt-Member-at-Large; Sarah Tropiano – Social Committee
Call to Order and Roll Call – 7:05pm
Approval of the March 2021 Minutes
- Motion to approve emailed draft meeting minutes by Debbi, 2nd by Telah – All Approve (Pam was not yet online)
5G antenna letter
- Motion to send letter to collect information to the 5 representatives listed in the document sent via email prior to the meeting by Jim, 2nd by Debbi– All Approve (Pam was not yet online)
Job description status
- Carlie volunteered to make edits to the current document sent via email and will send the update prior to next month’s meeting for another review.
Chair and Vice Chair Discussion
- Motion for every HFCA board (currently ACC, CAC, and Social) to have a Chair and Vice Chair listed on the website and added to the associated alias email so there both a main and backup contact. Motion by Jim, 2nd by Pam – All approve
Discussion on new Counsel for HFCA
- Motion to retain Moriarty (per attached proposal sent prior to meeting) and pay the $1500 retainer by Pam, 2nd by Jim – All Approve
Code of Ethics ad hoc working group report
- Ken is working with Jim and Debbi and are planning to complete a draft product by the end of this month to be sent in advance of May’s meeting for discussion and a vote
Social Committee
- Motion to approve a $400, in-person event on May 16th, something similar to the shaved ice truck last year that follows the same protocol such as masks, social distancing, and contact tracing by Jim, 2nd by Debbi – All Approve
- Newsletter Opt In/Opt Out decision to be reviewed again next month after we have more information on the capabilities of the Block Captains
- Newsletter inputs due Wednesday the 28th of April – note that we are down to 3 advertisers so advertising income will be less than planned.
Neighborhood Watch
- currently researching if we should re-start the watch
Common Areas
- North Path Clean up – 3 households volunteered. Another cleanup scheduled for this Saturday, April 17th.
- Title work re: Easements – discussed looking for a new community volunteer to help and Sean will email Bruce to see what research he may have from the past.
- Pam to compile letters for review and send in advance of next month’s meeting
Discussion of complaint process going
- Kathie and Sean will put together a process to complement the Compliant Resolution document approved via email to vote on prior to the next newsletter deadline. This process and associated documentation will replace the temporary process put in place.
Board Off-site to discuss 2021 priorities and processes
- Scheduled for Tuesday, April 20th – Sean collected a list of ideas shared by each individual such as better communication options, better processes/operating rhythm, strategic vision, voice/pulse of the community, gaps in coverage such as Roberts Rd./Still Meadow intersection safety, long term financial planning
Annual Meeting
- Week of October 11 – waiting to hear back from Green Acres
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn Debbi, 2nd Pam at 8:56
Email Votes between March 9th and April 13th meetings:
- Motion via email: Whereas the Hickory Farms Homeowners Association is out of compliance with Virginia State Law and Regulation regarding the need for a written complaint process for its members, and Whereas the Board was only recently made aware of that status, and Whereas, we are desirous of not being out of compliance Therefore, we resolve to address this by adopting the Compliant Resolution as written (sent in email attachment) for a period of 90 days. That we will also publish the process in the April 2021 newsletter so as to receive community feedback on this important process, and That we shall review that feedback and finalize the complaint process in the June 2021 monthly Board meeting. (9 Yes Votes, 1 No response)
- Board of Directors
- Governing Documents
- Architectural Control
- Annual Assessment (Dues)
- Meeting Minutes
- Strategic Plan
- Contact Us