Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2020

Prepared by Debbi Buchanan

Zoom Attendance

Chuck Stewart, Bruce Bernhardt, Jim Bever, Kathie Schmidt, Kirk Randall, Debbi Buchanan,Telah Jackson, Melissa Stark, Bill Berg and Pam Barrett reported to Chuck Stewart prior to meeting

Approval of Minutes

  • February and March minutes approved

New Business/Open Discussion

Reserve Funding Study

  • Jim Bever,  Bruce Berhardt and Kathie Schmdt will be working on the reserve funding study by August or September.

VDOT Input

  • Jim Bever, Melissa Stark and Telah Jackson walked the entire neighborhood and took pictures of sidewalks and streets that need improvements. Telah Jackson created a file with VDOT for plans for next year.  Bruce Bernhardt spoke with Ann Sharp and she said they have been moving from east to west in Braddock district and only 5 neighborhoods are left to be done this year.  They will repave the entire neighborhood when they get to Hickory Farms, we may get in before 2021.  Telah Jackson will check every other month to see where we are in the community schedule.  Jim Bever asked Telah Jackson to send out a matrix so everyone can see the work that has been done in preparing for the VDOT submission.

Standing Agenda Items


  • 2019 Taxes.  Jim Bever spoke with our accountant who confirmed all our income was from newsletter advertising. He will be submitting our taxes tomorrow.
  • Actual Monthly Report.  We are on target with our budget and income.
  • Common Interest Board Filing.  Chuck Stewart will scan insurance policy and meet with Jim Bever. 
  • Green Acres Meeting Room.  October 22 and 26 have been requested for  the annual meeting. 
  • Bank Account.  Jim Bever requested that he be allowed to do electronic signature on the bank account.

Common Areas

  • Melissa Stark received kudos from the homeowner regarding how quickly the Board reacted to removing the dead tree.  Melissa requested that the Board review her email regarding plantings.

Architectural Control Committee

  • Pam Barrett is handling the annual review this year differently. Jim Bever requested that regarding the VPOAA dealings with realtors for the sale of homes, that Bryan Crabtree add two other names on the website so we don’t get behind if the chairman isn't available to forward the ACC decision to the treasurer.

Neighborhood Watch

  • Due to Covid-19, the watch bag with the same magnetic signs, notebook and large flashlight should not be transferred from person to person.  It was decided to put the neighborhood watch on hiatus to avoid spreading germs and keeping members safe.  Debbi Buchanan will send out on listserv notification as such and a reminder to watch out for each other and to contact police if any suspicious behavior is spotted.

At Large Issues

  • Telah Jackson: Planning.
  • Bill Berg: Newsletter Printing.  Newsletter printing will be on May 1-2, feedback and drafts by April 28.

Vice President

  • Kathie Schmidt recommended we wait to scan the insurance documents since changes to the insurance documents were imminent. 


  • Chuck Stewart showed the board what he’s been working on with an app that can download county records and pictures.  Motion granted to give Jim Bever and Ken Sorg online access to the bank account.


  • Next Meeting.  May 12, 2020.
  • Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.