Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2021

Hickory Farms Community Association Board of Directors 

Date: February 9, 2021 at 7:00pm 

Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Attendance: Kathie Schmidt, President;  Sean Coleman, Vice President Candidate to fill vacancy; Carlie Mensen, Secretary; Pam Barrett, ACC; Jim Bever, Treasurer; Melissa Stark, Common Area Coordinator; Telah Jackson, Member-at-Large; Debbi Buchanan, Neighborhood Watch; William Berg, Newsletter Editor;  Ken Sorg, Ast. Treasurer 

  • Call to Order and Roll Call
  • Approval of January 2020 Minutes
    • Motion to approve Debbie, 2nd Telah, all vote yes-Passed
  • Candidate Nomination to fill open board position
    • Motion to nominate Sean Coleman as interim Vice President, by Jim, 2nd by Telah, all vote yes-Passed
  • Executive Session: Motion to approve items for discussion at future open board meetings (listed below) by Bill and 2nd by Pam, all vote yes-Passed
    • Set rules for board members to read and sign when becoming a board member
    • Formal new board member orientation and current issue overview
    • Annual homeowners survey with a plan of action and milestones (POAM) for each item for end of year completion
    • Create rules for open forum for community members after meeting minute vote, 3-5 minutes with advance notice 
    • Investigate the use of Slack (or similar tool alternative to email) to improve communication among the board between meetings
    • Start a lowest level, President or VP meeting with problematic individuals first, then consider sending letters (lawyer written) if we feel there is harassment occurring
    • Add no tolerance and anti-discrimination policy to code of ethics and potentially add it into the by-laws with signature for board members
    • Review our procedures/processes. All topics will be presented and voted on by the board. The more eyes the better
    • Determine if it is feasible and advisable to share detailed monthly financial statements openly with the community-consult legal guidance
    • Move decision for new legal support to our next open session for vote. Collect 3 quotes prior to a vote
  • Treasurer 2020 Financial Review
    • Annual Review delayed until this Saturday 2/13 at 8 am.
    • Bank Statements sent via email
  • At large issues…newsletter/neighborhood watch
    • Newsletter input by COB 24 Feb.  
  • Commons Areas
    • Sledding Hill and signage: asked board members to observe snow hill this week and bring observations and ideas to the next BOD meeting
    • North path limb cleanup quote collection in process. One quote obtained so far, snow delayed others
  • Nominating Committee Status & Plans for March Election of Board
    • Nominations are due the 15th of Feb.
    • Motion by Kathie, 2nd by Telah for Kathie to step down into a member at large board position and for Sean to take over as President. All vote Yes-Passed
    • Discussion regarding the Nominating Committee:  per the Newsletter announcements of January & February, the window for homeowners' nominations for candidates for the Board/opening(s) remains open until Feb 15th early evening and should be sent to nc@hickoryfarms.org .
    • Discussion regarding the Annual Meeting: the Board is obligated to hold an HFCA Annual Meeting as soon as possible, with preference for a normal in-person meeting. However, given the continuing COVID-19 constraints, vaccination uncertainties, and the lead time needed to announce and prepare for such, the Board agreed that it will plan for this being possible by this Fall.
  • Motion to adjourn: all in favor

Next BOD meeting: March 9th, 2021 at 7 PM via Zoom
