HFCA Board Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2021
Hickory Farms Community Association Board of Directors
July 13, 2021; 7pm—8:45pm
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Attendance: Sean Coleman – President; Jim Bever - Vice President; Carlie Mensen - Secretary; Ken Sorg - Treasurer; Melissa Stark - Common Area Coordinator; Telah Jackson - Member-at-Large; William Berg – Member-at-Large, Newsletter Editor; Sarah Tropiano
Neighborhood Watch
- Lt. Anthony L. Capizzi – Spoke on the neighborhood watch program and crime that is currently going on in the area. Training scheduled for July 20th, sign up through Eventbrite
- Most common crime is vehicle hoppers with unlocked cars taking valuables and vehicles with keys.
- Q&A
Approval of the June 2021 Minutes
- Motion to approve June’s meeting minutes shared by Carlie in Slack by Telah, 2nd by Jim, all approve
Ad Hoc Working Groups Reports
- Communications: Carlie Mensen, Brian Crabtree and Ken Sorg
- Motion to implement Slack as the main collaboration platform to replace group emails going forward by Telah, 2nd by Melissa, all approve
- Financial Planning: Ken Sorg, Jim Bever, Carlie Mensen
- Refresh on prior presentation with more details to come next month
- Community Survey: Telah Jackson, Bill Berg, Kathie Schmidt, Melissa Stark
- Vote to approve questions on screen share motion by Telah, 2nd by Melissa, all approve
- Sean will verify with our new legal counsel if our new method of newsletter delivery is allowed within the VPOAA.
Treasurer Report
- Statements were posted in Slack for Review
ACC Report
- Annual Inspection Results, estimate about 12 letters may be sent with findings
Common Areas
- Each board member to provide feedback in Slack thread regarding the performance of our current mowing company.
- Girl Scout Gold Award to bring awareness regarding endangered turtles-will let her know that she can present her proposal to the board
- Tree Award Status
- Sign Near Rabbit Run
Social Committee
- Brief update of all future activates and note regarding their support of the Garden Tour
Annual Meeting - October 13
- Two Board Meeting prior to Annual
- Budget prep for 2022
- Reports to the Community
- Input due by Wednesday the 28th
Motion to Adjourn by Sean, 2nd by Carlie, All Approve
- Board of Directors
- Governing Documents
- Architectural Control
- Annual Assessment (Dues)
- Meeting Minutes
- Strategic Plan
- Contact Us