Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2024

November 2024 Meeting Minutes 


Microsoft Teams video 

In Attendance: 

Telah Jackson-Vice President 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ben Noviello- Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 
Judy Deng- Treasurer 

Charles Chu – Member at large 

Pam Barrett – Member at large  

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 

Old Business 

Telah moved to approve both the minutes from the regular October meeting as well as the minutes from the October annual meeting; Ben seconded; Motion passed 

Ben promised to move the PowerPoint presentation from the annual meeting into the approved meeting-minutes folder 

New Business 

Discussion related to the use of homes for businesses and rentals. 

Concerns were expressed about the possible use of homes as AirBnB rentals, Senior Care facilities, and for commercial home daycare. 

Melissa stressed that the current regulations prohibit disruptive commercial use that diminishes quality of life in the neighborhood.  A possible cap on the number of rentals was discussed, with possible waivers.  Concern about the potential legality of such a cap was expressed, although there was consensus that having the community flip to rental properties was a legitimate concern. 

Telah indicated that we need a coordinated policy related to rentals and commercial usage.  She indicated that she would create a folder in TEAMS, into which comments and relevant drafts would be included.   

Corporate Transparency Act 

 As legal counsel has indicated that this act is applicable to the HOA, Ben suggested that each of the HOA board members create a financial ID number, which he would consolidate into a single response.  Ben requested that these numbers be provided prior to the December 10 meeting.  He promised to post the relevant link in TEAMs, as well as send an email message. 


Treasurers Report 

Consensus was expressed for Judy to roll-over the CD containing contingency funds.  She also noted that she will send out notifications in January for the annual dies 

Reserve Study 


Tad indicated that he had created a draft reserve study, and would coordinate with Judy and Melissa to ensure that all relevant information is included. 


Commons Area 


Melissa reported on the 2025 commons area maintenance agreements, and indicated that the expenses were consistent with what had been approved in the budget. 


Melissa moved that authorization be granted for her to use remaining relevant 2024 funds to purchase “Pretty Sedge” to be planted in the lower commons area; Pam seconded; the motion passed. 


TEAMS licenses  


Ben indicated that the 8 licenses for Microsoft Teams needed to be renewed by the end of November.  Judy indicated that she had sent pre-payment so that Ben could continue to use his personal credit card. 


Secretary Departure 


Ben indicated that he would be leaving the community by the end of 2024, and would coordinate the transition of administrative TEAMS functions to Telah.   


Melissa moved for adjournment; Ben seconded. 


Meeting adjourned circa 8:30 PM 
