Hickory Farms

HFCA Board Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2023

Minutes of the Hickory Farms HOA Board held on  

6 September 2023 



Microsoft Teams video 

In Attendance: 

Telah Jackson-Vice President 

Tad Weed- Associate Treasurer  

Ben Noviello- Secretary 

Melissa Stark- Common Areas 
Judy Deng- Treasurer 

Pam Barret – Member at large 


Meeting began at 7:00  

Ben moved that the July minutes be approved; Tad seconded; Telah and Pam abstained; the motion passed.  

Old Business 

Annual Meeting 

Melissa reposted on the status of the fliers.  Because the paper stock on which these were printed was too thin to safely mail, she offered to place each of them into a stamped, addressed envelope, along with information about the listserve, the budget, and, possibly, other relevant information.  

Pam suggested that the theme of the annual meeting be infrastructure. 

There was a discussion of the topics to be included and who should make each presentation. 

Ben agreed to create a draft powerpoint presentation, which would use the same format as what was used last year.   This presentation would be shared with presenters prior to the next meeting in the expectation that each presenter would revise, extend, and modify what was in the draft. 

Treasurers Report 

Judy reported that the latest bank statement had been loaded into the treasurer channel in Teams. 

Judy also discussed her plan to coordinate the insurance questions with Charles. 



Commons Area Report 

Melissa reported that the first application of lawn treatment chemicals was expected to occur prior to the next meeting.   

There was no formal new business discussed. 

Melissa moved that the meeting be adjourned, Ben seconded; motion passed 

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 
