Hickory Farms

September 2024 Hickory Farms Newsletter

- Editor, Jennifer Maloney (Farm House Ln)

HFCA Budget and Annual Assessment Notice

- By Judy Deng

Under the Hickory Farms Community Association Bylaws and the Virginia Property Owners Association Act (VPOAA), the Board of Directors must approve a budget and set an annual assessment for the forthcoming year. The Hickory Farms Board of Directors reviewed the 2025 budget and concluded to keep the 2025 HOA Dues steady at $290.

The 2025 budget and the 2025 annual assessment of $290 were approved by the HFCA Board of Directors at the monthly meeting on August 13, 2024. Also approved was the 2025 budget.

For Homeowners, below is the Board–approved 2025 Budget. By September 20th, homeowners will be sent a proxy and invitation to attend the Annual Meeting via Microsoft Teams on October 15th at 7pm, and affirm the budget.

Assessments $57,420
Assessments - Late Fees $0
Interest $1,400
Advertising $100
Legal Fees Recovered $0
VPOAA Disclosure Fees $850
Common Area Maintenance $28,700
Common Area Improvement $3,500
Common Area Remediation $6,300
Insurance - Director's Liability & Surety $1,000
Insurance - General Liability $400
Legal Fees $2,500
Postage $300
Neighborhood Watch $300
Printing $500
Social Activities $2,000
Tax Preparation $400
Taxes & Government Charges/Fees $300
Capital Reserve Deposits $9,470
Administrative Fees $1,900
Strategic Projects $2,000
Bank Charges $200

Notes: Reserve Fund $77,372 as of 07/31/2024 (Money Market and CD Account)

Annual Meeting - Save the Date!

The Hickory Farms Community Association Annual Meeting will be held on October 15th, 2024, at 7 PM via Microsoft Teams. A proxy and meeting information will be sent out in the mail the first week of September.

September’s HFCA Board of Director Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 7 PM via Microsoft Teams.

In-Person Early Voting Begins September 20th

In-person early voting for the November 5 General and Special Elections will be available at the Fairfax County Government Center beginning September 20th:

  • Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays (Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Oct. 26, Nov. 2): 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Sunday (Oct. 27): 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

For more information, visit: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/early-voting

The Birds of Hickory Farms

- By Bob Cosgriff

August marks the end of the bluebird breeding season. This year, the Hickory Farms bluebird trail produced 26 bluebirds which is our third-highest total ever. (Last year, we set a record with 40 fledglings and in 2021, we had 29.) A late nest of four eggs that would have put this year’s total into second place all-time was a failure. Only two eggs hatched and the two hatchlings died. The chicks were nearly ready to fledge when they were found dead in the nest. It is hard to pinpoint the exact cause. The hot weather of the last month might be to blame. Other possibilities are blow flies, which feed on and weaken nestlings. Or something could have happened to the parent birds, thus cutting off food for the baby birds. Whatever the cause, the dead birds did not show evidence of having been killed by invading sparrows. In addition to the bluebirds, we also had seven House Wrens and four Tree Swallows fledge, making 2024 a very good year for Hickory Farms. In particular, this is the first successful Tree Swallow nesting since 2015.

Migratory birds start moving as early as late July and August, but September is when things really get going. One bird that you can help on migration is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (the only hummingbird species found in the eastern U.S.). Simply boil four cups of water and add one cup of sugar until it dissolves. Let the solution cool and put it into a hummingbird feeder. You can keep any leftover nectar in your refrigerator for up to two weeks to refresh the feeders. There are a number of different varieties of feeders available at bird stores and retail establishments such as Walmart, Lowe’s, and Home Depot. Place them in a sunny spot. Be sure to buy an ant trap from which to hang the feeder to prevent ants from getting into the solution. Clean the feeders once a week and add new liquid. Hummers should be here until the end of September, tanking up for the long flight to Central America via the Gulf of Mexico.

In September, Broad-wing Hawks are on the move. “Kettles” of soaring hawks have been seen from time-to-time above Hickory Farms, but the best place nearby to view these birds is along mountain ridges. The closest spot is Snickers Gap off Route 7. There is a parking lot available and there are always birders there. Other raptors that migrate along the mountain ridge at Snicker’s Gap are Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Osprey, and Bald Eagle. Common Ravens are also commonly seen there along with flocks of various songbirds.

To the east and south, the beaches of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia will host large flocks of shorebirds winging their way to the south during September and even into October. Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware is one prime resting place. In addition to shorebirds, numerous songbird species can be seen there as well. Assateague Island on the Eastern Shore of Virginia is another shore bird hotspot. A bit farther afield, Cape May, NJ, is one of the greatest places in the country to watch the fall migration. Raptors, shore birds, song birds: you name it and they are there in large numbers.

Keep tuned for updates on the birds of Hickory Farms as we move into autumn. There is always something to see in our beautiful common areas or nearby Fairfax County parks. So take advantage of the cooler weather in September and get out there to enjoy the birds of Hickory Farms.

Join Our ListServ

Don’t miss any news! There’s no better way to stay in touch than through our Hickory Farms email listserv. Visit Email Listserv and follow the instructions.

Student Yellow Pages

Lily Bucher lrbucher4@gmail.com Babysitter/Mother's Helper, Pet Sitting
Kiera Stark commonareas@hickoryfarms.org Pet Sitting
Cedar Batz 571-398-1467 Dog Walking, Dog Sitting

If you offer services such as those listed above, or others such as tutoring, etc., and wish to be included in future listings, please email the Newsletter Editor at newsletter@hickoryfarms.org.

HFCA Board Meeting Notice

HFCA Board Meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. Unless otherwise notified or due to an unforeseen change, HFCA Board Meetings will be held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.

For further information, contact any HFCA Board Member or hfca@hickoryfarms.org.

Newsletter Item Deadline and Distribution Notice

Newsletter items are due the 25th of the month, for the next month’s issue. Please send submissions to
newsletter@hickoryfarms.org. Newsletters are distributed via the HFCA listserv and posted on the HFCA website. All are encouraged to access the digital newsletter via the listserv or the HFCA website.
