Hickory Farms

January 2025 Hickory Farms Newsletter

- Editor, Jennifer Maloney (Farm House Ln)

Hickory Farms Annual Assessment (Dues)

By Judy Deng, HFCA Treasurer

This year’s assessment is $290.00 and is due no later than January 31, 2025. Pay electronically or pay by mail.

Payment details are as follows:

  • Ensure payment reaches HFCA Treasurer no later than January 31, 2025.
    • You may pay by echeck or credit card at: https://hickoryfarmshfca.cheddarup.com Cheddar Up is a secure digital payment method that is integrated with our MoneyMinder web-based accounting software.
      • No fee for echecks. Echeck is an ACH debit from a payer’s bank account, which involves payers entering their bank account and routing numbers.
      • Credit card payments will include an additional processing fee.
    • Mail your check or money order to:
      Hickory Farms Community Association
      P.O. Box 2239
      Fairfax VA 22031
    • Ensure the property address is written on your check or money order.

Moved? New homeowner? Email owner's name, address, and telephone number to secretary@hickoryfarms.org, who maintains Hickory Farms records.

Help us stay in touch by joining the HFCA email list (listserv) at https://hickoryfarms.org/hickory-farms-listserv This is a private list for HFCA only.

THANK YOU! Your assessment payments help keep our community beautiful and safe.

Questions? Contact Treasurer@Hickoryfarms.org

Hickory Farms Community Association Bylaws Article VII, Section 2(c) governs annual assessments. Assessment payments are the responsibility of the property owner. Payments that are not postmarked or in the physical possession of the Treasurer by February 7, 2025, are late and the homeowner will be charged an additional $50. Payments received after that date that do not include the additional $50 charge (total payment of $340.00) will be returned to the homeowner for non-payment. On March 1, 2025, delinquent accounts will be turned over to the Association's attorney for collection. At that point, the amount owed by the delinquent homeowner will be $340.00 plus all associated attorney fees and could include significant court costs if HFCA files a lawsuit. These procedures are in accord with the Hickory Farms Community Association Bylaws, which have no provision for waiver.

HFCA 2024 Holiday House Lights Contest Winners!

- From the Social Committee

Thank you to everyone that participated in the 2024 Holiday House Lights Contest. Whether you decorated your house, voted, or both, we appreciate your help lighting up Hickory Farms for the holidays! The winners of the 2024 Holiday House Lights Contest were:

Most Holiday Spirit - 4353 Harvester Farm Lane

Holiday Heavyweight - 9998 Cotton Farm Road

Most Classic - 4358 Harvester Farm Lane

Most Colorful - 4357 Harvester Farm Lane

We appreciate everyone that braved the cold to join us for the Lights and Cocoa Walk last month. We look forward to seeing everyone in the spring for an egg hunt in early April (more details to follow).
